jock -strap | n seluar dalam getah olahragawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
athlete | n 1. competitor in sport, exercises, etc, a. (gen) ahli olahraga; b. (if accomplished) (masc) olahragawan, atlet; (fem) olahragawati, atlet; 2. so. who has aptitude for sports etc, suka berolahraga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | 3. also ~ off, ~ up, use up, consume, menghabiskan: ~ your sandwich before you answer, habiskanlah sandwicmu sebelum menjawab; can’t you ~ up this last little drop of wine?, tdk bolehkah kamu menghabiskan wain yg tinggal setitik ini?; 4. a. reach the finishing line in (race) menamatkan: two athletes didn’t ~ the marathon, dua olahragawan tdk menamatkan perlumbaan maraton itu; b. finish race etc (in certain position), /menamatkan, mengakhiri, menghabiskan/ [sst] dgn mendapat tempat; (colloq) mendapat nombor; 5. also ~ off, put the last details to, membuat kemasan terakhir pd: the dress still has to be ~ed (off), kemasan terakhir masih perlu dibuat pd baju itu; 6. also ~ off, exhaust, membuat [sso] separuh mati: working sixteen hours a day for two weeks on that project truly ~ed me, bekerja enam belas jam sehari dlm projek itu selama dua minggu benar-benar membuat saya separuh mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | vt 1. make better, improve, membaiki: to strive toward ~ing their working conditions, berusaha bersungguh-sungguh utk membaiki keadaan kerja mereka; to ~ o’s lot, membaiki nasib sendiri; 2. surpass, mengatasi: the athlete has ~ed his previous record by several seconds, olahragawan itu mengatasi rekodnya yg dahulu dgn beberapa saat; production this year ~ed considerably that of last year, pengeluaran tahun ini banyak mengatasi pengeluaran tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |