depress | vt 1. press, push down, menekan: to ~ a piston, menekan omboh; 2. (econ), (act.) menyebabkan [sst] meleset; (pass.) meleset: anxieties about the war ~ed the value of the dollar, kebimbangan ttg perang telah menyebabkan nilai dolar meleset; 3. dispirit, menyedihkan, menjadikan [sso] murung: the news ~ed her, berita itu menyedihkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cushion | n 1. soft, padded pillow or case, kusyen: she knelt on the ~ to pray, dia berlutut di atas kusyen utk berdoa; the ~s on these chairs need replacing, kusyen kerusi ini perlu ditukar; 2. st that acts like a pad, kusyen; (of moss, grass) lembut spt kusyen: ~ of air, kusyen udara; steam left in the cylinder acts as a ~ for the piston, stim yg masih ada di dlm silinder itu bertindak sbg kusyen kpd omboh; fortunately he fell on a ~ of wet moss, nasib baik dia jatuh di atas lumut yg basah yg lembut spt kusyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |