base1 | Scott’s ~ during his expedition, pangkalan Scott semasa ekspedisinya; ~ camp, kem induk; b. (for commercial purposes etc) pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: he made Singapore the ~ for his marketing activities, dijadikannya Singapura pusat operasi pemasarannya; 6. fundamental ingredient, bahan /dasar, asas/: oil is often used as a ~ for paint, minyak kerap digunakan sbg bahan asas cat; 7. (of bodily part, organ) pangkal: the ~ of the thumb, pangkal ibu jari; the ~ of the tongue, pangkal lidah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
binary operation | n operasi /dedua, binar/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
large-scale | adj 1. of wide scope, extensive, besar-besaran: ~ business operations, operasi perniagaan besar-besaran; 2. (of map, plan, etc) skala besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gall 1 | have the ~, berani: after bungling the whole operation you have the ~ to ask for a rise, setelah menjalankan operasi itu dgn ceroboh, berani kamu meminta kenaikan gaji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gear | ~ so. to, memperlengkapi sso utk: the troops were not ~ed to military operation in the desert, pasukan-pasukan itu tdk diperlengkapi utk operasi tentera di kawasan gurun; ~ st /to, towards/, adapt st to, menyesuaikan sst dgn: our courses must be ~ed to the students’ needs, kursus-kursus kita mestilah disesuaikan dgn keperluan pelajar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
director | n pengarah: he’s on the board of ~s of our firm, dia ahli lembaga pengarah firma kita; ~ of operations, pengarah operasi; he won an oscar for Best D~, dia memenangi oskar Pengarah Terbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | vt station, place, a. (mil), (act) menempatkan; (pass) berpangkalan, bertempat, ditempatkan: the army decided to ~ the Third Brigade in the north, pihak tentera memutuskan utk menempatkan Briged Ketiga di utara; b. (other than military) berpusat, pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: our company is ~d in Hong Kong, syarikat kami berpusat di Hong Kong; where are you ~d?, di mana pusat operasi kamu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direct | 5. aim, menujukan: the comments were ~ed at a particular group, komen-komen itu ditujukan kpd kumpulan tertentu; 6. supervise, mengarahkan, mengetuai: he ~ed the whole operation, dia mengarahkan keseluruhan operasi itu; 7. (fml) order, mengarahkan: government servants have been ~ed to declare their assets, kakitangan kerajaan telah diarahkan mengisytiharkan aset mereka; 8. (film, play, etc) mengarahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airborne | adj 1. carried by or through air, bawaan udara: ~ bacteria, bakteria bawaan udara; ~ infection, jangkitan bawaan udara; 2. in flight, berada di udara: they were soon ~, tdk lama kemudian mereka ada di udara; 3. (mil) di udara: ~ operation, operasi di udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloak | n mantel; be a ~ for, (fig.) menyelubungi, menutupi: her honeyed words were a ~ for her evil intentions, kata-katanya yg manis spt madu menyelubungi niatnya yg jahat; under /a, the/ ~ of, [various translations]: the king’s men arrived at the camp under the ~ of darkness, orang-orang raja tiba di perkhemahan itu dlm suasana yg gelap; the whole operation seems to be under a ~ of secrecy, keseluruhan operasi itu seolah-olah diselubungi rahsia; atrocities carried out under the ~ of religion, kekejaman yg dilakukan dgn berselindung di balik agama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |