here | from ~ on, mulai dr sini: the story gets more interesting from ~ on, cerita ini menjadi lebih menarik mulai dr sini; be up to ~, (colloq) sudah sampai takat ini: I am up to ~ with the neighbour’s kids, saya sudah sampai takat ini dgn anak-anak orang sebelah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | b. (slowly) kelihatan: the castaways’ hopes were raised by the ~ of a ship on the horizon, harapan orang-orang yg kapalnya telah karam itu semakin meningkat apabila sebuah kapal kelihatan di ufuk; 2. occurrence, coming into existence, [various translations]: the ~ of tyranny again and again throughout history, wujudnya kezaliman yg berulang-ulang sepanjang sejarah; the ~ of political bias in his writings, terdapat sikap politik yg berat sebelah dlm tulisan-tulisannya; the first ~ of the word in English,munculnya kata itu utk kali pertama dlm bahasa Inggeris; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blind | adj 1. sightless, buta: he is ~ in one eye, matanya buta sebelah; 2. for sightless persons, orang buta; a ~ school, sekolah orang buta; 3. unable, unwilling to understand or judge, tdk nampak: to be ~ to the dangers of the situation, tdk nampak bahaya keadaan itu; she seems ~ to the drawbacks of the plan, dia seolah-olah tdk nampak kekurangan rancangan itu; 4. not based on reason, evidence or knowledge, secara /membabi buta, membuta tuli/: ~ obedience, kepatuhan secara membabi buta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cripple | n lame person, a. (due to loss of use of a leg), (orang yg) /tempang, capik, pincang, tepok, lumpuh sebelah kaki/; b. (due to loss of use of both legs), (orang yg) lumpuh; c. (due to loss of part of limb, limb or limbs) kudung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judicial | adj 1. of, rel to judges, court of justice, etc, kehakiman: ~ powers, kuasa kehakiman; ~ process, proses kehakiman; ~ settlement, penyelesaian kehakiman; ~ system, sistem kehakiman; 2. impartial, tdk berat sebelah: the arbitrator was a man with a ~ mind, penimbang tara itu ialah orang yg tdk berat sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill-defined | adj not clear, a. (in meaning) tdk /jelas, tepat/: an ~ question, soalan yg tdk jelas; b. (in outline) kelihatan tdk /jelas, terang/: the figure on the left of the photograph is ~, orang yg berdiri di sebelah kiri dlm gambar itu kelihatan tdk jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
father | n 1. male parent, bapa, ayah; (as term of address) bapa, ayah, abah, papa: a ~ of five children, bapa kpd lima orang anak; a cousin on my father’s side of the family, sepupu sebelah bapa saya; 2. any male acting in that capacity, bapa, ayah: he has always been a ~ to me, dialah yg saya anggap bapa selama ini; adoptive ~, bapa angkat; 3. (usu in pl) forefathers, nenek-moyang, datuk nenek: our ~s planned well for the future of this city, nenek moyang kita telah merancang dgn baik utk masa depan bandar ini; 4. founder, originator, bapa, pengasas: the ~ of modern Johore, bapa Johor moden; 5. priest, paderi; 6. leader of council etc, elder, ketua: city ~, ketua bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eastern | adj 1., situated in the east (of) timur: the ~ states of Australia, wilayah timur Australia; 2. timur: the ~ sky, langit di sebelah timur; 3. leading towards the east, menuju ke timur: ~ route, jalan yg menuju ke timur; 4. of the East or its people, (orang) Timur: ~ culture, kebudayaan (orang) Timur; kissing in public is not an ~ practice, berkucupan di khalayak ramai bukannya amalan orang Timur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | n 1. physical structure of human being or animal, badan, tubuh; (excluding head and limbs) badan: both legs were badly injured, but there wasn’t a scratch on his ~, kedua-dua belah kakinya cedera parah, tetapi badannya tdk apa-apa; 2. (colloq) person, individual, orang: Mrs. Smith is a friendly old ~, who lives next door, Puan Smith ialah orang yg ramah-tamah yg tinggal di rumah sebelah; 3. dead body, corpse, a. (of human being) mayat; (derog) bangkai; (respectfully) jenazah: the President’s ~ was taken to Washington for burial, jenazah mendiang Presiden dibawa ke Washington utk dikebumikan; b. (of animal) bangkai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coming | n kedatangan: his ~ here was unexpected, kedatangannya ke mari tdk disangka-sangka; the ~ of winter, kedatangan musim sejuk; ~s and goings, (approp n +) keluar masuk: she watched in fascination the ~s and goings of the guests, dia melihat tetamu-tetamu keluar masuk dgn asyiknya; there was a lot of ~s and goings in the house next door, banyak kali orang keluar masuk di rumah sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |