enterprising | adj having, showing enterprise, berdaya usaha: the organization needs ~ young men to help it grow, organisasi itu memerlukan pemuda-pemuda yg berdaya usaha utk berkembang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cat’s-paw | n (fig.) boneka: to be the ~ of the organization, menjadi boneka organisasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | b. become independent, (dapat) berdikari: the organization helps ex-convicts to ~ their feet again, organisasi itu membantu bekas-bekas banduan utk berdikari semula; c. become confident in new surroundings, (mula) bertapak: I’ve only been here for a few weeks so I’m still ~ing my feet, saya di sini baru beberapa minggu, jadi saya masih belum bertapak lagi; ~ it in /os, o’s heart/, (to do st), (force os to do st) memujuk hati, memaksa diri; (bear to do st) tergamak, sampai hati: we ought to be able to ~ it in ourselves to forgive our enemies, kita sepatutnya dapat memujuk hati utk memaafi musuh kita; he had always worked very well and McGregor could not ~ it in his heart to dismiss him, dia sentiasa bekerja dgn baik dan McGregor tdk sampai hati utk memecatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going | n 1. departure, pemergian: his ~ will create a power vacuum in the organization, pemergiannya akan meninggalkan lompang kuasa dlm organisasi itu; 2. condition of road, track, etc, keadaan + approp n: the ~ at Doncaster is firm today, keadaan balapan di Doncaster kejap hari ini; 3. condition of travel, perjalanan: the path over the pass was very rough ~ because of the heavy rain, perjalanan di jalan kecil di genting itu sangat sukar disebabkan hujan lebat; the ~ is hard in this weather, perjalanan sukar dlm cuaca begini; 4. conditions that affect o’s ability, keadaan (approp n): if the ~ gets tough, give me a call, jika keadaan menjadi sulit, telefonlah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backbone | n 1. spine, tulang belakang; 2. mainstay, tulang belakang: the ~ of an organisation, tulang belakang sesebuah organisasi; 3. fortitude, /ketabahan, kecekalan/ (hati): he doesn’t have the ~ to be a leader, dia tdk mempunyai ketabahan utk menjadi seorang pemimpin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflate | 3. puff up, [various translations]: his son’s success ~d him with pride, kejayaan anaknya menyebabkan dia berasa sangat bangga; he tends to ~ his importance to the organization, dia cenderung membesar-besarkan betapa pentingnya dia pd organisasi itu; although the economy is showing signs of recovery, it would not be wise to ~ expectations, walaupun terdapat tanda-tanda bahawa ekonomi beransur pulih, tdk wajar bagi kita membuat harapan orang ramai melambung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empower | vt memberikan kuasa kpd, memberi [sso] kuasa: he ~ed his lawyer to sell his house, dia memberikan kuasa kpd peguamnya utk menjual rumahnya; he is ~ed to act on behalf of the organization, dia diberi kuasa utk bertindak bagi pihak organisasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infant | n 1. baby, very young child, bayi: a healthy ~, bayi yg sihat; ~ mortality rate, kadar kematian bayi; ~ food, makanan bayi; 2. (leg.) minor, budak: ~ beneficiary, benefisiari budak; 3. in early stage of development, muda: ~ industry, industri muda; ~ organization, organisasi muda; ~ science, bidang sains baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impersonal | adj 1. not influenced by personal feelings, tdk dipengaruhi perasaan; (attrib) tdk (bersifat) peribadi: a judge should be ~, hakim seharusnya tdk dipengaruhi perasaan; he managed to keep his voice ~, dia bercakap dgn suara yg tdk dipengaruhi perasaan; an ~ statement, kenyataan yg tdk bersifat peribadi; an ~ organization, organisasi yg tdk bersifat peribadi; he takes an ~ interest in the children, dia memberikan perhatian yg tdk bersifat peribadi thdp anak-kanak itu; 2. lacking warmth, tdk mesra: his manner was ~, sikapnya tdk mesra; 3. not having human characteristics or existence, tdk bersifat insani: ~ deity, dewa-dewa yg tdk bersifat insani; 4. (gram.) impersonal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embody | vt 1. give concrete form to, terjelma, wujud: the spirit of democracy is embodied in the revolutionary movement, semangat demokrasi terjelma dlm pergerakan revolusi itu; 2. incorporate, include, a. (in organization) (act.) merangkum; (pass.) terangkum: the three groups are embodied in the new organization, ketiga-tiga kumpulan itu terangkum dlm organisasi baru itu; b. (in a car, computer, etc), (act.) mengandungi; (pass.) terkandung; c. (in an Act) termaktub. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |