hero | n 1. so. distinguished for bravery or noble deeds, pahlawan, wira: Mandela received a ~’s welcome, Mandela mendapat sambutan sbg wira; war ~es, pahlawan perang; a child ~, pahlawan kanak-kanak; 2. so. admired for outstanding deeds, tokoh, wira: an aviation ~, wira dlm bidang penerbangan; medical ~es, tokoh-tokoh perubatan; 3. so. one personally admires, pujaan; 4. chief male character in book, film, play, wira, hero: Hamlet is the ~ of a famous play, Hamlet ialah wira sebuah drama yg masyhur; 5. (Greek mythol) wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fable | n 1. story with moral, fabel /dongeng, cerita/ /ibarat, teladan/, cerita tamsilan: the ~ of the hare and the tortoise, dongeng teladan arnab dgn kura-kura; 2. legend, (cerita) dongeng, legenda; (about mythical characters) dongeng dewata: ~s of Greek gods and heroes, dongeng ttg dewa-dewa dan pahlawan-pahlawan Yunani; 3. myths and legends collectively, fabel; 4. false story or account, dongeng, rekaan: to separate fact from ~, memisahkan fakta drpd dongeng; all that story about him is a complete ~, segala cerita mengenainya itu ialah rekaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brave | n pahlawan /orang asli Amerika, Red Indian/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fearless | adj tdk /mengenal takut, gentar/, berani: a ~ warrior, pahlawan yg tdk mengenal takut; ~ of st, tdk/ takut, gentar/ akan sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | n1. (tree), (pokok) laurel; 2. (in pl) wreath of laurel leaves, lingkar(an) daun laurel: the Roman hero was crowned with ~s, pahlawan Rom itu dimahkotai dgn lingkaran daun laurel; 3. (in pl), (fig.) honour, penghargaan: he took all the credit but the ~s really belong to his staff, dia membolot segala pujian tetapi penghargaan itu sebenarnya milik kakitangannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hail 2 | vt 1. greet esp with enthusiasm, menyambut dgn sorak-sorai: the new president was ~ed by his supporters as he entered the hall, presiden yg baru itu disambut dgn sorak-sorai oleh penyokong-penyokongnya sebaik sahaja dia masuk ke dewan; 2. acclaim, mengalu-alukan: they ~ed him as the new child hero, mereka mengalu-alukannya sbg pahlawan kanak-kanak yg baru; the new discovery was ~ed as a milestone in modern science, penemuan baru itu dialu-alukan sbg satu detik penting dlm sains moden; 3. attract attention by calling out, memanggil: they ~ed the boat from the jetty, mereka memanggil bot dr jeti itu; 4. signal to stop, menahan: the doorman ~ed the cab, penjaga pintu itu menahan teksi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
death | as sure as ~, sudah pasti, tdk dapat dielakkan lagi; at ~’s door, di /ambang, pintu, gerbang/ maut; /at the point, on the verge/ of ~, di ambang maut; be the ~ of so., cause so’s death, menyebabkan kematian sso: drinking was the ~ of him, minum araklah yg menyebabkan kematiannya; catch o’s ~ (of cold), (colloq) mati kesejukan; die a hero’s ~, mati sbg pahlawan; put to ~, (gen) dihukum /bunuh, mati/; (ref to specif case) melaksanakan hukuman /bunuh, mati/: the prisoner will be put to ~ tomorrow, banduan itu akan dihukum bunuh esok; /scared, sick, tickled, etc/ to ~, /takut, bosan, geli hati, dsb/ /betul, sungguh/; sentenced to ~, dihukum mati; to the ~, hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir: to fight to the ~, berjuang hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir; work os to ~, bekerja bermati-matian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |