Maklumat Kata

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

clip 1~ on, mengklipkan, menyepitkan: <i>she ~ped on a pair of ear-rings,i> dia menyepitkan sepasang subang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clean<i>adji> 1. <i>free from dirt, blemishes,i> bersih: <i>a ~ pair of shoes,i> sepasang kasut yg bersih; <i>~ water,i> air bersih; <i>~ air,i> udara bersih; <i>a ~ copy,i> salinan bersih; <i>a ~ record,i> rekod bersih; 2. <i>without anything written on it,i> kosong: <i>a ~ sheet of paper,i> sehelai kertas kosong; 3. <i>attentive to cleanliness,i> pembersih: (<i>of animali>) bersih: <i>cats are such ~ animals,i> kucing ialah binatang yg cukup bersih; 4. <i>not prohibited,i> boleh dimakan; (<i>in Islami>) halal; 5. <i>neat,i> kemas: <i>a boat with ~ lines,i> sebuah bot yg mempunyai bentuk yg kemas; 6. <i>smart, adroit,i> kemas: <i>a ~ backhand,i> pukulan kilas yg kemas; 7. <i>even, regular,i> rata: <i>the knife made a ~ cut,i> pisau itu memotong dgn rata; 8. <i>morally pure, innocent,i> bersih, suci: <i>a ~ life,i> kehidupan yg bersih;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compass<i>ni> 1. <i>instrument for determining directions,i> kompas; 2. (<i>often in pli>) <i>instrument for taking measurements and drawing circles,i> kompas: <i>a pair of ~es,i> sepasang kompas; 3. <i>range, extent,i> lingkungan: <i>within the ~ of our research programme,i> dlm lingkungan rancangan penyelidikan kami;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
companion 1 <i>ni> 1. <i>one who associates or is always with another,i> teman: <i>travelling ~s,i> teman seperjalanan; <i>a close ~,i> teman rapat; <i>~s in misfortune,i> teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. <i>one employed to keep anotheri> (<i>usu elderlyi>) <i>company,i> teman; 3. <i>st that is one of a pair,i> gu: <i>the ~ to this volume is missing,i> gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. <i>handbook,i> buku /panduan, pedoman/: <i>the Motorists’ C~,i> Buku Panduan Pemandu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lace<i>ni> 1. <i>(fabric),i> (kain) les; <i>(used as edging)i> renda: <i>the dress was made of black ~,i> baju itu dibuat drpd kain les hitam; 2. <i>(cord or string)i> tali: <i>a pair of shoe - ~s,i> sepasang tali kasut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
frame<i>ni> 1. <i>case, border enclosing picture, door, etc,i> bingkai: <i>the thieves clumsily cut the picture out of the ~,i> pencuri-pencuri itu dgn cemerkap menggunting gambar-gambar dr bingkainya; <i>a window ~,i> bingkai tingkap; <i>a pair of spectacles with metal ~s,i> kaca mata berbingkai logam; 2. <i>skeletoni> (<i>of building, ship, etci>) rangka: <i>the ~ of the building is already finished,i> rangka bangunan itu sudah siap; <i>the car has a strong ~,i> rangka kereta itu kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crutch<i>ni> 1. <i>staff with underarm support,i> topang ketiak: <i>a pair of ~es,i> sepasang topang ketiak; 2. <i>so. or sti> a. (<i>that helpsi>) membantu: <i>these notes are a ~ to the memory,i> nota-nota ini membantu ingatan; b. (<i>that supports, propsi>) tunjang: <i>free enterprise, the ~ of capitalism,i> perusahaan bebas, tunjang kapitalisme; 3. <i>seei> CROTCH (<i>sensesi> 1. & 2.).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cruise<i>vii> 1. <i>sail about,i> a. (<i>for pleasurei>) belayar makan angin: <i>they ~d round the islands,i> mereka belayar makan angin mengelilingi pulau-pulau itu; b. (<i>in search of enemy vesselsi>) meronda, berpair-pair: <i>the destroyer was cruising in the South China Sea,i> kapal pembinasa itu sedang meronda di Laut China Selatan; 2. <i>travel at a constant and moderate speed, approp vi> + dgn kelajuan (yg) sederhana: <i>the car was cruising at 75 k.p.h.,i> kereta itu berjalan dgn kelajuan sederhana 75 kmsj; 3. <i>travel at random,i> a. (<i>of taxi-cabi>) lalu-lalang, berulang-alik; b. (<i>of patrol cari>) meronda;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heel 1 kick up o’s ~s, (<i>fig.i>) <i>enjoy os thoroughly,i> berseronok-seronok: <i>with their exams over it was time to kick up their ~s,i> setelah peperiksaan tamat, tibalah masanya utk mereka berseronok-seronok; set so. (back) on his ~s, memeranjatkan sso; show a clean pair of ~s, take to o’s ~s, cabut lari; turn /upon, on/ o’s ~, berpusing: <i>I turned on my ~ and left the room,i> saya berpusing dan meninggalkan bilik itu; under the ~ of, dlm cengkaman, ditindas oleh: <i>the country was under the ~ of a dictator,i> negeri itu dlm cengkaman seorang diktator;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
each<i>adji> 1. (<i>ref to two or morei>) <i>every,i> tiap-tiap, setiap; (<i>rel to periods of timei>) tiap-tiap, setiap, saban: ~<i> person or group,i> tiap-tiap orang atau kumpulan; ~ <i>word,i> tiap-tiap perkataan; ~<i> day,i> tiap-tiap hari; ~<i> week,i> setiap minggu; ~<i> time,i> tiap-tiap kali; 2. (<i>ref to two or a pair onlyi>) both,i> kedua-dua: <i>she wore a ring on ~ middle finger,i> dia memakai cincin pd kedua-dua jari hantunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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