condition | 4. prerequisite, syarat: to abide by the ~s of the lease, mematuhi syarat-syarat pajakan itu; he is willing to lend you the car on ~ you take good care of it, dia sanggup meminjamkan keretanya dgn syarat kamu menjaganya dgn baik; 5. state of health, keadaan sihat, kesihatan: to improve o’s ~ by jogging, memperbaik kesihatan sso dgn berjoging; /in, out of/~, dlm keadaan /sihat, tdk sihat/; 6. illness, penyakit; (preceded by “liver”, “brain”, etc) sakit: she’s suffering from a rare ~, dia menghidap penyakit yg jarang dihidapi orang; a heart ~, sakit jantung; 7. social position or rank, kedudukan: a person of high ~, seorang yg berkedudukan tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extend | he applied to the authorities to get the 99-year lease on the house ~ed, dia memohon kpd pihak berkuasa supaya pajakan 99 tahun atas rumahnya dilanjutkan; proper maintenance might ~ the life of the machine, penyenggaraan yg baik mungkin dapat memanjangkan hayat mesin itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expiration | n (fml) 1. termination of a period of time, /tamat(nya), habis(nya)/ tempoh: the ~ of the lease, tamatnya tempoh pajakan; 2. (med) act of breathing out, expirasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |