hot | adv 1. at a high temperature, panas: glowing ~ coal, arang yg panas membara; 2. while hot, panas-panas, hangat-hangat: to serve the rice ~, menghidangkan nasi itu panas-panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adj 1. of, having relatively high temperature, panas, hangat: ~ day, hari yg panas; ~ water, air panas; ~ iron, besi hangat; the oven is not ~ enough, ketuhar itu tdk cukup panas; her forehead was ~, dahinya panas; ~ and tired, she lagged behind the other runners, oleh sebab panas dan letih, dia ketinggalan di belakang pelari-pelari lain; 2. producing burning sensation on tongue, pedas: ~ curries, kari yg pedas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fevered | adj 1. panas: his ~ brow, dahinya yg panas; 2. (fig.) meracau, cacau: ~ imagination, imaginasi yg meracau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heated | adj 1. become warm or hot, menjadi panas; 2. excited, impassioned, hangat; (of person) panas: a ~ argument, pertengkaran hangat; she gets very ~ whenever the subject is brought up, dia naik panas setiap kali perkara itu di timbulkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burning | adj 1. on fire, sedang terbakar: the ~ house, rumah yg sedang terbakar; 2. excessively hot, panas mem-bakar: under the ~ sun, di bawah matahari yg panas membakar; 3. affecting with or as if with heat, panas membahang; 4. inflaming, exciting, bernyala-nyala, berapi-api: a ~ enthusiasm, minat yg bernyala-nyala; 5. intense, meluap-luap, bernyala-nyala, berkobar-kobar; a ~ desire, keinginan yg bernyala-nyala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blistering | adj 1. scorching, panas terik: the ~ sun, cahaya matahari yg panas terik; 2. extremely harsh, a. (of words) tajam, pedih; b. (of look, tongue, criticism) tajam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feverish | adj 1. having symptoms of fever, [sso] demam, [badan sso] panas: Billy is ~, you’d better send him to bed, Billy demam or badan Billy panas, baiklah suruh dia tidur; have ~ dreams, meracau waktu bermimpi; 2. frenzied, a. (ref to emotion) menggila: there was a look of ~ excitement in his eyes, tergambar keghairahan yg menggila di matanya; b. (ref to activity) bagai hendak gila: it was a ~ race against time for us to get the manuscript submitted before the deadline, utk menyerahkan manuskrip itu sebelum tarikh akhir, bagai hendak gila kami terpaksa mengejar waktu; with ~ haste, dgn tergopoh-gapah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intense | adj 1. great, extreme in degree, amount, strength, etc, a. (rel to weather condition) terlalu: she tossed and turned the whole night because of the ~ heat, dia gelisah dan tdk dapat tidur sepanjang malam krn cuaca terlalu panas; b. (rel to flames, heat from fire, nuclear blast, etc) terlalu panas: the ~ heat from the fire forced them back, bahang api yg terlalu panas menyebabkan mereka terpaksa berundur; ~ flames, api yg terlalu panas; c. (of pain etc) amat sangat: the patient suffered ~ pain, pesakit itu mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
civilization, civilisation | n 1. process of civilizing, state of being civilized, pemeradaban; 2. civilized society, tamadun, peradaban: the ancient ~s, peradaban purba; the western ~, peradaban barat; the ~s of Egypt and Persia, tamadun Mesir dan Parsi; 3. advanced stage of human development, tamadun, peradaban: the Romans brought ~ to Britain, orang-orang Rom membawa peradaban ke Britain; 4. civilized people collectively, dunia /bertamadun, berperadaban/: ~ is threatened by the constant build-up of nuclear weapons, dunia bertamadun berasa sentiasa terancam akibat kian bertambahnya senjata nuklear; 5. (humorous) civilized life, dunia tamadun: the first thing we must do when we get back to ~ is to have a hot meal, perkara pertama yg mesti kita lakukan apabila kita kembali ke dunia tamadun ialah memakan masakan yg panas-panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heat | n 1. (form of energy) haba: latent ~, haba pendam; ~ conduction, konduksi haba; 2. warmth, hotness, kepanasan, kehangatan; (radiated) bahang: the ~ of the iron, kepanasan besi itu; the ~ of the midday sun, bahang mata hari rembang; 3. source of heat, [various translations]: after ten minutes she turned down the ~ of the oven, selepas sepuluh minit, dia mengurangkan suhu ketuhar; she placed the pan directly on to the high ~, dia meletakkan kuali terus di atas dapur yg panas; 4. hot weather, cuaca panas; 5. also body heat, panas badan: to bring down the body ~, menurunkan panas badan; 6. most intense part, kemuncak: in the ~ of the battle, pd kemuncak peperangan itu; 7. (sports ) saringan: preliminary ~s, saringan awal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |