deceit | n 1. act of cheating, penipuan, menipu, memperdaya(kan) /sso, sst/: to be adept in the art of ~, pandai menipu; 2. dishonest trick, tipuan, perdayaan, tipu /daya, helah/, putar belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bilk | vt 1. evade making payment to (creditor) mengelakkan diri drpd: his skill in ~ing his creditors, kelicikannya dlm mengelakkan diri drpd pemiutangnya; 2. cheat, menipu: he ~ed the firm out of more than one million dollars, dia menipu firma itu lebih drpd sejuta ringgit; 3. elude, escape from, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri drpd: a criminal adept at ~ing the police, penjenayah yg pandai melepaskan diri drpd polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |