butt1 | n 1. end, a. (of spear, whip, arrow) pangkal, tenu; b. (of gun, rifle) buntut; c. (of fishing rod) pangkal; 2. the base of a tree trunk, perdu, pangkal; 3. stub (of cigarette) puntung; 4. (sl) the buttocks, punggung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brain-stem | n /batang, pangkal/ otak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | 4. all along, di sepanjang; (from top to bottom of st) dr hujung ke pangkal; (from front to back) dr depan ke belakang: sailing ~ the coast, belayar di sepanjang pantai; her gaze travelled slowly ~ the line, pandangannya beralih dr depan ke belakang dgn perlahan-lahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | 3. compact, padat: the soil around the base of the tree should be ~, tanah di keliling pangkal pokok itu seharusnya padat; 4. strong, forceful, erat: I kept a ~ hold of my daughter’s hand as we crossed the busy street, saya memegang tangan anak saya erat-erat semasa kami melintasi jalan yg sibuk itu; she felt safe in his ~ embrace, dia berasa selamat dlm pelukannya yg erat; 5. not changing, definite, (of decision, offer) muktamad, tegas; (of appointment etc) muktamad, tetap; (of opinion, belief, etc) tegas, kukuh, teguh; (of news, data, etc) kukuh: we received a polite but ~ refusal, kami menerima penolakan yg sopan tetapi tegas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | vt 1. make compact, memadatkan: he ~ed the soil around the roots, dia memadatkan tanah di keliling pangkal pokok; 2. also ~ up, make firmer, a. (agreement, contract, etc) mengukuhkan; b. (muscles) memejalkan: an exercise that will ~ the stomach muscles, senaman yg akan memejalkan otot perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | Scott’s ~ during his expedition, pangkalan Scott semasa ekspedisinya; ~ camp, kem induk; b. (for commercial purposes etc) pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: he made Singapore the ~ for his marketing activities, dijadikannya Singapura pusat operasi pemasarannya; 6. fundamental ingredient, bahan /dasar, asas/: oil is often used as a ~ for paint, minyak kerap digunakan sbg bahan asas cat; 7. (of bodily part, organ) pangkal: the ~ of the thumb, pangkal ibu jari; the ~ of the tongue, pangkal lidah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incised | adj 1. cut into, engraved, ditoreh; (med) dibuat insisi; 2. made by engraving, tergores: the ~ initials on the tree trunk, pangkal nama yg tergores pd batang pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | n 1. (of foot, shoe, stocking, sock) tumit: the ~ of my shoe is worn down, tumit kasut saya sudah haus; high ~s, tumit tinggi; 2. (of hand) pangkal tapak tangan; 3. (sl) contemptible person, keparat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backwards, backward | adv 1. towards the rear, ke belakang: to look ~, memandang ke belakang; 2. with the back foremost, mengundur: he walked ~ out of the room, dia berjalan mengundur keluar dr bilik itu; 3. in reverse, terbalik: children sometimes write letters ~, kanak-kanak kadang-kadang menulis huruf terbalik; 4. from end to beginning, dr hujung ke pangkal: to recite the alphabet ~, menyebut abjad dr hujung ke pangkal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | n 1. (of person, animal) belakang; 2. (of thing) a. (gen) belakang: the ~ of a house, belakang rumah; the ~ of a knife, belakang pisau; with the ~ of the hand, dgn belakang tangan; b. (of seat) sandaran: the ~ of a chair, sandaran kerusi; c. (of tongue) pangkal; 3. (games) pemain barisan belakang, bek: left ~, bek kiri; half-~, hafbek, pemain barisan tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |