lap 1 | n area formed by the thighs of a seated person, riba, pangkuan: come and sit on mummy’s ~ dear, sayang, mari duduk di atas riba emak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | n area formed by the thighs of a seated person, riba, pangkuan: come and sit on mummy’s ~ dear, sayang, mari duduk di atas riba emak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
recline | vt 1. (o’s head), (horizontally) meletakkan; (at an angle) menyandarkan, meletakkan: she ~d her head in her mother’s lap, dia meletakkan kepalanya di pangkuan ibu; 2. (a moveable seat) merebahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | vt 1. sometimes ~ up, bend double, melipat: she ~ed the sheets, dia melipat cadar; ~ the paper in two, lipat dua kertas itu; 2. sometimes ~ back, ~ up, ~ away, cause to close up or bend, melipat: please ~ the table up and store it in the cupboard, tolong lipat meja itu dan simpan dlm almari; in the caravan the tables can be easily ~ed away, dlm karavan itu, meja-mejanya dapat dilipat dgn mudah; 3. bring (o’s hands together and cross) menaupkan: she ~ed her hands in her lap, dia menaupkan tangannya di pangkuan; ~ o’s arms, berpeluk tubuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pillory | vt 1. (usu pass.) rest (esp o’s head) on st soft, berbantalkan: he slept with his head ~ed on her lap, dia tidur dgn kepalanya berbantalkan pangkuan gadis itu; 2. serve as a pillow for, menjadi bantal: her arms ~ed the sleeping child, lengannya menjadi bantal anak yg tidur itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seat | vt 1. (usu pass.) duduk: the lady ~ed next to him kept talking to her friend in the front row, wanita yg duduk di tepinya asyik berbual dgn kawannya yg duduk di barisan hadapan; ~ os, duduk: she ~ed herself on his lap, dia duduk di pangkuan lelaki itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
set | vt 1. place in a certain position, (act.) meletakkan; (pass.) terletak; (fml) menempatkan: he ~ his hat squarely on his head, dia meletakkan topinya tegak di atas kepala; the nurse carried in the baby and ~ him on his father’s knee, jururawat membawa bayi itu masuk dan meletakkannya di pangkuan bapanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |