apartment | n 1. single room in a building, bilik; 2. (in pl) suite of rooms, bilik kediaman; the royal ~s, istana puri; 3. flat, pangsapuri; ~ /house, building/, rumah pangsa, pangsapuri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duplex | n (US) 1. duplex house, rumah dupleks; 2. duplex apartment, pangsapuri dupleks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glorified | adj (derog)approp n + dibesar-besarkan: a condominium is merely a glorified apartment, kondominium ialah semata-mata pangsapuri yg kelebihannya dibesar-besarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | ~ over to, a. hand over to, menyerahkan [sst] kpd: the keys to the apartment were ~n over to the security guard, kunci pangsapuri itu telah diserahkan kpd pengawal keselamatan; b. set aside for, (usu pass.) dihabiskan dgn: the rest of the time was ~n over to a question and answer session, masa yg lebih itu dihabiskan dgn sesi soal jawab; c. completely devote (os) to, mengabdikan: he gave his life over to research, dia mengabdikan sepanjang hayatnya membuat penyelidikan; ~ os over to, (a feeling) mengikutkan hati dan [v]: he was feeling down but didn’t ~ himself over to despair, dia berasa sedih tetapi tdk ikutkan hati dan berputus asa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavish | 3. extravagant, mewah; (of expenditure etc) berlebih-lebihan: the meal was too ~ for my simple tastes, sajian itu begitu mewah bagi saya yg mempunyai selera yg sederhana; a ~ apartment, pangsapuri mewah; his ~ expenditure, perbelanjaannya yg berlebih-lebihan; a ~ spender, a. a big spender, orang yg berbelanja besar; b. one who spends in a wasteful manner, pemboros; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excrescence | n (fml) 1. abnormal outgrowth on animal, vegetable body, ketumbuhan; 2. st that is ugly, approp n + yg hodoh: the new blocks of flats were an ugly ~ on the pleasant landscape, blok pangsapuri yg baru itu merupakan binaan yg hodoh pd pemandangan yg indah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediately | the states most ~ affected by the amendments to the act, negeri-negeri yg langsung menerima kesan pindaan akta itu; b. being nearest in time, (used with “after”, “on”) sebaik sahaja; (used with “preceeding”, “before”) betul-betul: ~ after the game, sebaik saja perlawanan tamat; the events ~ preceeding the assassination, peristiwa-peristiwa yg berlaku betul-betul sebelum pembunuhan itu; c. being nearest in space, betul-betul: their apartment is ~ below mine, pangsapuri mereka betul-betul di bawah pangsapuri saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inferno | n 1. hell, neraka; 2. scene resembling hell esp conflagaration, [various translations]: the building was an ~ when the fire brigade arrived, bangunan itu sedang terbakar dgn dahsyatnya semasa pasukan bomba tiba; within minutes, the block of apartments became a towering ~, dlm masa beberapa minit saja, api yg membakar blok pangsapuri itu menjulang-julang tingginya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwarf | vt 1. stunt, membantutkan pertumbuhan: lack of moisture had ~ed the plants, kekurangan lembapan telah membantutkan pertumbuhan tanam-tanaman itu; 2. cause to appear small(er), (act.) menyebabkan [sso, sst] kelihatan kecil; (pass.) kelihatan kecil: the house was ~ed by the surrounding apartment blocks, rumah itu kelihatan kecil disebabkan blok-blok pangsapuri yg di sekelilingnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conspicuous | adj 1. easy to see, mudah dilihat: road signs should be ~, tanda jalan mestilah mudah dilihat; 2. attracting attention, a. (by reason of striking physical feature) kelihatan menonjol: her bright yellow dress made her ~ in the crowd, dgn memakai baju kuning terang, dia kelihatan menonjol; a ~ block of apartments, blok pangsapuri yg menarik perhatian; b. (by reason of remarkableness, unusualness, etc) menonjol: to be ~ for o’s gallantry, menonjol krn keberanian sso; his ~ ignorance, kejahilannya yg menonjol; a ~ mistake, kesalahan yg menonjol; make os ~, menonjolkan diri sso: she makes herself ~ by her behaviour, dia menonjolkan dirinya dgn berkelakuan begitu; be ~ by o’s absence, orang perasan sso tdk hadir: you were ~ by your absence last night, orang perasan kamu tdk hadir malam tadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |