grand | adj 1. magnificent, impressive in appearance or size, etc, a. (of structure, building, mountain, etc) tersergam /indah, megah/: a ~ castle, istana kota yg tersergam megah; b. (of part of building) besar lagi indah: the ballroom in which the reception was held was very ~, dewan tari-menari tempat majlis itu diadakan sangat besar lagi indah; c. (of view) terbentang indah: he was awestruck by the ~ panorama of mountains and lakes, dia kagum melihat pemandangan gunung-ganang dan tasik yg terbentang indah; 2. marked by magnificence, display, sumptuousness, besar-besaran: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |