hake | n (for drying fish) bagan, para(-para), pelantar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bower1 | n shady, leafy shelter, punjung, para-para. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
audience | n 1. assembly of listeners, spectators, (para) /penonton, hadirin/; 2. listener etc reached by, a. (book, magazine, etc) khalayak, para pembaca; b. (film, television programme, etc) penonton; c. (radio broadcast), (para) pendengar; 3. following, pengikut; (of entertainer) peminat; 4. formal interview, menghadap: to grant so. an ~, memperkenankan sso menghadap; to request an ~ with the king, memohon perkenanan raja utk menghadap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
floor | the ~, (Parl) ahli-ahli Dewan; (otherwise) para hadirin: are there any questions from the ~?, ada soalan drpd para hadirin?; the ~ is yours, saudara boleh bercakap sekarang; cross the ~, menyebelahi pihak lawan; have the ~, telah diberi izin utk berucap; be given the ~, diberi izin utk berucap; hold the ~, bercakap terus-menerus: once Sofia started talking about clothes, she held the ~ for more than an hour and no one could stop her, apabila Sofia mula bercakap ttg pakaian, dia bercakap terus-menerus selama satu jam lebih, dan tdk ada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuat dia berhenti; on the ~ of the House, di dlm Dewan; take the ~, a. begin dancing, mula menari; b. start speaking in a debate, mula berucap; wipe the ~ with so., (colloq) menumpaskan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
build | ~ st into, a. put parts etc together to form or become st, /membuat, menjadikan/ sst drpd: he has built these pieces of metal into a crude implement, dia telah membuat sejenis alat yg kasar drpd kepingan-kepingan logam ini; b. (often pass.) fix st so as to make it a part of st else, (act.) membuat [almari] terbina dalam; (pass.) terbina dalam: to ~ some cupboards into the walls, membuat almari terbina dalam dinding; the shelves are built into the cupboard, para-para itu terbina dalam almari; c. incorporate into, (usu pass.) memasukkan sst ke dlm: the schedule of implementation was built into the contract, jadual pelaksanaan telah dimasukkan ke dlm kontrak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encore | vt meminta mengulangi + approp n, meminta + approp v + sekali lagi: the audience ~d the pianist, para penonton meminta pemain piano itu mengulangi permainannya or para penonton meminta pemain piano itu memainkan lagu itu sekali lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | a visit to the museum was laid on for the conference delegates, lawatan ke muzium telah diatur utk para perwakilan persidangan itu; to ~ on a sumptuous feast, mengadakan jamuan makan mewah; a limousine was laid on for the guests, kereta limusin telah disediakan utk para tetamu; ~ on tea etc, menjamu teh dll: it was very nice of my neighbour to ~ on tea for us, baik sungguh jiran kami menjamu teh kpd kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
electorate | n para /pemilih, pengundi/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capacity | ~ /audience, crowd/, /para penonton, orang ramai/ yg penuh sesak; be filled to ~, penuh padat, penuh, padat: the hall was filled to ~, dewan itu penuh padat; fill st to ~, memenuhi sst: the rain filled the dams to ~, hujan memenuhi empangan-empangan; seating ~, jumlah tempat duduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dramatis personae | n ( fml) para pelakon. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |