passive | 3. affected or acted upon by outside influence, pasif: the chameleon is the ~ agent of environment, changing its colour to match its surroundings, sumpah-sumpah ialah agen pasif sekitaran, yg menukar warnanya utk disesuaikan dgn tempat sekelilingnya; 4. (gram.) pasif: ~ voice, ragam pasif; the ~ form of the verb, bentuk pasif kata kerja itu; 5. (chem) pasif: ~ metal, logam pasif; 6. (electr) pasif: ~ network, rangkaian pasif; 7. (finance) yielding no interests, pasif: ~ bonds, bon pasif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
passive | adj 1. inactive, not operating, pasif, tdk giat: a ~ member of the committee, ahli jawatankuasa yg pasif; ~ role, peranan yg pasif; 2. submissive, pasif; (of loyalty, submission, obedience) tdk berbelah bagi: in the past the untouchables accepted their lot in life with ~ resignation, pd masa lampau, kelas paria menerima nasib mereka dgn kerelaan yg pasif; the people will not remain ~ under such a rule, rakyat tdk akan terus pasif di bawah pemerintahan yg sedemikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
passivism | n 1. passive resistance, a. (theory) teori penentangan pasif; b. (belief) faham penentangan pasif; c. (practice) amalan penentangan pasif; 2. state of being passive, /sikap, sifat/ pasif: such ~ will lead us nowhere, what we need is some action, sikap pasif sedemikian tdk membawa kita ke mana-mana, apa yg kita perlukan ialah tindakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
passive resistance | n /penentangan, tentangan/ pasif: ~ has proved to be a successful method of challenging the authority, penentangan pasif terbukti berjaya sbg kaedah utk menentang pihak berkuasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
passive | n ( gram. ) a. passive voice, ragam pasif; b. passive verb, kata kerja pasif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
silent majority | n majoriti pasif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
domesticity | n home, family life, kehidupan di rumah: ~ suited her gentle and passive nature, kehidupan di rumah sesuai dgn sifatnya yg lemah lembut dan pasif itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voice | 7. sound resembling vocal utterance, bunyi: the ~ of the sea as it crashed against the shore, bunyi laut semasa ombaknya menghempas ke pantai; the children lay awake listening to the ~ of the wind in the trees, budak-budak itu berjaga mendengar bunyi angin bertiup di celah-celah pokok; 8. (gram.) ragam: the active and passive ~, ragam aktif dan pasif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |