inevitable | adj 1. that cannot be avoided, tdk dapat dielakkan; (of death) pasti, pasti berlaku: war between the two countries seemed ~, peperangan antara kedua-dua buah negara itu nampaknya tdk dapat dielakkan; it was ~ that you two should meet, pertemuan kamu berdua tdk dapat dielakkan; death is ~, setiap yg hidup pasti mati or kematian setiap yg hidup itu pasti berlaku; 2. (colloq or humorous), [various translations]: at ten o’clock we went to the canteen for the ~ plate of noodles, pd pukul sepuluh, spt biasa, kami ke kantin utk makan mi; a provincial town with the ~ fast-food chain, bandar kecil dgn rangkaian kedai makanan segeranya yg mesti ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
definite | adj 1. clear, positive, pasti: a ~ answer, jawapan yg pasti; a ~ opinion, pendapat yg pasti; is it ~ that he’s leaving?, sudah pasti dia akan pergi?; 2. precise, (telah) /ditentukan, ditetapkan/: ~ duties, tugas-tugas yg telah ditentukan; at a ~ time and place, pd waktu dan tempat yg telah ditentukan; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg telah ditentukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certainty | n kepastian, pasti: no ~ of success, tdk ada kepastian utk mencapai kejayaan; it’s a ~ that prices will go up, sudah pasti harga akan naik; know for a ~, pasti: he knows for a ~ that he will be punished, dia pasti bahawa dia akan dihukum; with ~, dgn pasti: I can answer that question with ~, saya boleh menjawab soalan itu dgn pasti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certain | adj 1. sure, undoubted, pasti: there is no ~ cure for this disease, tdk ada ubat yg pasti bagi penyakit ini; they are ~ that they will win, mereka pasti bahawa mereka akan menang; 2. inevitable, pasti + approp v: war seemed ~, peperangan pasti berlaku; 3. unerring, tdk teragak-agak: his touch on the piano was ~, cara dia bermain piano tdk teragak-agak; 4. some but not much, sedikit; (of feeling, attitude, etc) agak: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certain | for ~, (sudah) pasti: the books will be delivered tomorrow for ~, buku-buku itu pasti akan dihantar esok; know for ~, pasti; make ~ (of, that), memastikan bahawa: she made ~ all the doors were locked, dia memastikan bahawa semua pintu telah dikunci; to make ~ of getting seats, memastikan bahawa mereka akan mendapat tempat duduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bet | ~ o’s bottom dollar, (colloq), (fig/.) pasti (betul); you ~, (collo/q) pasti, tentu; you (can) ~ your life, (collo/q) pasti betul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imminent | adj pasti akan + approp v (tdk lama lagi); (of death) berada di ambang [maut]: war is ~, peperangan pasti akan meletus tdk lama lagi; a storm is ~, ribut pasti akan melanda tdk lama lagi; like one faced with ~ death, spt orang yg berada di ambang maut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
identify | vt 1. ascertain identity of, mengecamkan, mengenal pasti: can you ~ your suitcase?, bolehkah kamu mengecamkan beg kamu?; the mother was asked to ~ her dead son, ibu itu diminta mengenal pasti mayat anaknya; 2. determine, mengenal pasti: ~ing the problems of the ailing economy proved to be quite a task, mengenal pasti masalah ekonomi yg sedang meleset itu merupakan satu usaha yg agak sukar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fail-safe | adj pasti selamat: a ~ device, peranti pasti selamat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doubtless | adv sudah pasti: you have ~ heard the news, sudah pasti anda telah mendengar berita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |