absolutely | adv 1. definitely, positively, completely, sama sekali, benar-benar: to refuse ~, enggan sama sekali; an ~ reliable secretary, setiausaha yg benar-benar dapat dipercayai; ~ wrong, salah sama sekali; ~ necessary, benar-benar perlu; 2. (as strong affirmative) tentu sekali, sudah /tentu, pasti/; "Do you agree?" "A~!", "Kamu setuju?" "Sudah tentu!"; 3. not relatively, secara mutlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honourable | adj worthy of honour, mulia; (of a course of action) terhormat: I’m sure his motives were competely ~, saya pasti niatnya benar-benar mulia; an ~ man, lelaki yg mulia; housekeeping is an ~ task, mengurus rumah tangga ialah pekerjaan yg mulia; the only ~ course to take would be to resign, satu-satunya jalan terhormat yg boleh diambil adalah meletakkan jawatan; ~ mention, sebutan khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumstance | n 1. (usu in pl) fact, condition, etc concerned with an event, person, keadaan: in normal ~s we would have taken disciplinary action against the protesting students, dlm keadaan biasa, kami sudah pasti akan mengambil tindakan tatatertib thdp penuntut-penuntut yg menunjuk perasaan; the government will act as ~s require, pihak kerajaan akan bertindak sesuai dgn keadaan; we were curious to find out about the ~s surrounding his death, kami benar-benar ingin tahu akan keadaan sekitar kematiannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |