break | ~ st off, a. snap st off, mematahkan sst; ( with non-human agent <./i>) menyebabkan sst patah, sst patah: he broke off a piece of chalk and gave it to the child, dia mematahkan sebatang kapur dan memberikannya kpd kanak-kanak itu; the wind broke off several branches, beberapa dahan patah ditiup angin; b. sever st, memutuskan sst: they broke off their engagement, mereka sudah memutuskan pertunangan mereka; b Bolivia has broken off relations with a neighbouring country, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart-broken | adj /patah, hancur, remuk/ hati: she was ~ when he left her, dia patah hati setelah lelaki itu meninggalkannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fracture | vt patah; (skull), (menyebabkan) retak: he ~d his leg in the fall, kakinya patah semasa jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | c. suddenly start doing st, (tiba-tiba) mula + approp v: the horse broke into a fast trot, kuda itu mula berlari dgn kencang; the comedian broke into a dance, pelawak itu mula menari; his face broke into a smile, dia mula tersenyum; ~ into tears, mula menangis; ~ /into, to / pieces, a. shatter, pecah /berkecai, bersepai/; b. snap, menjadi patah-patah; ~ st into pieces, a. shatter st memecahkan sst hingga /berkecai(-kecai), bersepai(-sepai)/; ( with repeated blows ) memecah-mecahkan sst; b. snap st, mematah-matahkan sst; ~ into / two, three, etc /, /pecah, patah/ /dua, tiga, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ off, a. snap off, patah: the branch broke off and fell to the ground, dahan itu patah dan jatuh ke tanah; b. stop abruptly , ( deliberately ) berhenti (dgn tiba-tiba); ( involuntarily ) terhenti: let’s ~ off now and take a rest, mari kita berhenti sekarang dan berehat; the lecturer broke off to admonish some students in the back row, pensyarah itu berhenti dgn tiba-tiba utk menegur beberapa orang penuntut di barisan belakang; he broke off in the middle of a sentence when the door opened, dia terhenti di tengah-tengah percakapannya ketika pintu terbuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fracture | n (of bone), (tulang yg, bahagian yg) patah, fraktur; (of skull) retak, fraktur; (of pipe etc) rekah; (of rock) retak: he has a ~ of the rib, tulang rusuknya patah; one of the ~s hasn’t healed, salah satu drpd tulang yg patah itu belum pulih lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fracture | vi (of bone) patah; (of pipe) merekah; (of rock) meretak: old people’s bones ~ easily, tulang orang tua mudah patah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broken | 4. damaged, not working, rosak: my watch is ~, jam tangan saya rosak; he took the ~ chair to be repaired, dia membawa kerusi yg rosak itu utk dibaiki; 5. crushed, patah; (of hea/rt) patah, hancur, remuk: a ~ man, orang yg patah semangatnya; a ~ heart, hati yg hancur; 6. (of language) teruk, tdk baik: he speaks ~ English, bahasa Inggerisnya tdk baik; he asked me something in ~ French, dia bertanya kpd saya dlm bahasa Perancis yg teruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | c. (fig.) also ~ off, memutuskan: he had to ~ the relationship, dia terpaksa memutuskan hubungan itu; the girl broke the engagement, gadis itu memutuskan pertunangannya; 3. snap, a. (deliberately) mematahkan: he broke a small piece off the chocolate bar, dia mematahkan sekeping kecil drpd coklat itu; b. (accidentally) patah, menyebabkan [sst] patah: he broke his neck, lehernya patah; they broke the leg of the table during the fight, sewaktu bergaduh, mereka menyebabkan kaki meja itu patah; 4. defy (strike) mengingkari arahan [mogok]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fractured | adj patah; (of skull) retak; (of pipe) rekah, raka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |