descent | n 1. act of descending, turun: the ~ of the mountain took 3 hours, utk turun dr gunung itu mengambil masa tiga jam; he was injured in a parachute ~, dia tercedera semasa turun dgn payung terjun; 2. slope, cerun: the ~ is too steep, cerun itu terlalu curam; 3. ancestry, keturunan: of Indian ~, dr keturunan India; matrilineal ~, keturunan nasab ibu; 4. decline, kejatuhan: the family’s ~ from wealth to poverty, kejatuhan keluarga itu drpd kaya menjadi miskin; 5. sudden attack, serangan (yg) /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 6. sudden arrival, kunjungan yg /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 7. transmission (of property, title) pewarisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | ~ up, (not fml) do st in the end, akhirnya, sudahnya, [not translated]: I fell asleep in the train to Oxford and ~ed up in Birmingham, saya tertidur dlm kereta api ke Oxford dan akhirnya sampai di Birmingham; the parachutist intended to land on the airstrip but ~ed in the river, ahli payung terjun itu hendak mendarat di lapangan terbang tetapi mendarat di sungai pula; my brother went to university but ~ed up as a waiter in McDonald’s, adik saya memasuki universiti tetapi sudahnya menjadi pelayan di McDonald; ~ st up, see vt (sense 3.); ~ up with st, /menyudahi, mengakhiri, menamatkan/ [sst] dgn sst: first we had a four-course dinner, then there was dancing and we ~ed up with a toast at midnight, mula-mula kami dihidangi makan malam empat sajian, selepas itu ada tari-menari dan kami mengakhiri majlis itu dgn minum ucap selamat pd tengah malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vt 1. <i>drip, menitikkan: to ~ the medicine into the eye, menitikkan ubat ke dlm mata; 2. cause to fall, menjatuhkan; (accidentally) terjatuh: the child ~ped the glass, budak itu menjatuhkan gelas itu; in her rush she ~ped her purse, dlm tergesa-gesa itu beg duitnya terjatuh; 3. let fall from aircraft, menggugurkan: supplies were ~ped by parachute, bekalan digugurkan dgn payung terjun; 4. leave out, menggugurkan: he ~s his “h’s” when he speaks, dia menggugurkan bunyi “h” semasa bercakap; to ~ a player from a team, menggugurkan seorang pemain drpd pasukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |