hold 1 | n 1. grasp, pegangan: the cup slipped from his ~ and smashed on to the floor, cawan itu terlepas drpd pegangannya dan terhempas ke lantai; you must not relax your ~ even for a second, jangan lepaskan pegangan kamu walau sesaat pun; /catch, grab, seize, etc/ ~ of, menyambar: he caught ~ of the rope and hung on, dia menyambar tali itu dan bergantung padanya; /keep, have, take/ ~ of, memegang: keep ~ of his hand even if he struggles, pegang tangannya walaupun dia meronta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adherence | n 1. see ADHESION (sense 1.); 2. adhering, state of adhering, a. (to idea, decision, demand) /sikap, pendirian/ /tdk berganjak, berpegang (teguh)/: his uncompromising ~ to what he believes is right, sikapnya yg tdk berganjak drpd sst yg dipercayainya benar; b. (to cause, doctrine, etc) pegangan yg teguh: ~ to o’s principles, pegangan sso yg teguh pd prinsip-prinsip sso; ~ to Buddhism, pegangan yg teguh pd agama Buddha; c. (to religion) pegangan yg teguh, ketaatan; d. (to rule, instruction, plan, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh: strict ~ to the law, kepatuhan sepenuhnya kpd undang-undang; e. (to agreement, promise, treaty, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh; f. (to person, organization) kesetiaan, ketaatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freehold | adj & n pegangan kekal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | n 1. a. firm hold, pegangan (yg kuat); (with closed fist) genggaman, menggenggam: he tightened his ~ on my hand, dia mengejapkan pegangannya pd lengan saya; make sure you have a firm ~ of the racket, pastikan kamu menggenggam erat-erat gagang raket itu; b. tight grip (as if with nails or claws) cengkaman: she broke free from my ~, dia melepaskan diri drpd cengkaman saya; 2. control, mastery, cengkaman: the country fell into the ~ of a tyrant, negara itu jatuh ke dlm cengkaman pemerintah yg zalim; 3. comprehension, understanding, pemahaman: this subject is beyond my ~, perkara ini di luar pemahaman saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconsonant | adj lacking harmony, tdk sesuai: his actions were ~ with his beliefs, perbuatannya tdk sesuai dgn pegangan hidupnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | n 1. firm hold, grasp, a. (with hand) genggaman, pegangan yg /kuat, erat/: with the money safely in her ~, she ran home, dgn wang itu selamat dlm genggamannya, dia berlari balik ke rumah; he did not release his ~ on the intruder, dia tdk melepaskan pegangannya yg kuat pd penceroboh itu; b. (with or as if with claws) cengkaman: the eagle had its prey firmly in its ~, mangsa helang itu berada dlm cengkamannya yg kuat; these expensive tyres are supposed to give a good ~ on the road, tayar mahal ini dikatakan mempunyai cengkaman yg baik di jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clutch 1 | n 1. tight grasp, a. (gen) pegangan (yg) kuat; b. (with closed hand) genggaman (yg) kuat; c. (with or as if with claws) cengkaman: in the ~es of an eagle, dlm cengkaman burung helang; d. (of embrace) pelukan, dakapan; 2. (in pl) control, power, cengkaman: he fell into the ~es of a money-lender, dia terperangkap dlm cengkaman si pemiutang; 3. (in motor vehicle) klac, cekam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firmness | n 1. solidness, kepejalan: this strain of pear is popular because of the ~ of its flesh, buah pir jenis ini disukai krn kepejalan isinya; 2. secureness, keteguhan, kekukuhan, keeratan; 3. compactness, kepadatan; 4. (strength of grasp) eratnya, keeratan: the ~ of the sick woman’s grasp was surprising, eratnya pegangan tangan perempuan yg sakit itu menghairankan; 5. definiteness, ketegasan; (of decision, offer) ketegasan, kemuktamadan, muktamadnya; (of opinion, belief) ketegasan, kekukuhan, keteguhan; 6. resoluteness, ketegasan: there was no mistaking the ~ in her voice, ketegasan dlm suaranya ketara sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apostasy | n 1. renunciation of o’s religion, /keluar drpd, meninggalkan/ agama; (in Islam) kemurtadan, murtad: they were forced to choose between death and ~, mereka terpaksa memilih antara mati atau murtad; 2. abandonment, a. (of ideology, principles, etc) pengkhianatan, mengkhianati; b. (of party, cause, etc) pembelotan, berpaling tadah, membelot: a political ~, berpaling tadah thdp pegangan politik; to be accused of ~, dituduh membelot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 2. influence, pengaruh: his ~ over his pupils never weakened, pengaruhnya thdp murid-muridnya tdk pernah luntur; a woman who has a firm ~ over her family, wanita yg mempunyai pengaruh yg kuat thdp keluarganya; 3. power, kuasa: how long can an alien government exert its ~ over a country?, berapa lamakah sebuah kerajaan asing boleh mengekalkan kuasanya ke atas sesebuah negara?; 4. handhold, (esp in climbing) tempat /berpegang, berpaut/: there are few ~s on that cliff, ada sedikit saja tempat berpegang pd tebing tinggi itu; 5. (in wrestling etc) pegangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |