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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata pegawai 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

incompetentadj 1. lacking ability, skill, tdk cekap: ~ officials, pegawai-pegawai yg tdk cekap; he is ~ to be our leader, dia tdk cekap utk menjadi pemimpin kami; 2. (leg.) tak kompeten.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corruptadj 1. morally depraved, tdk berakhlak; 2. given to bribery, korup; (of person) korup, menerima /rasuah, sogokan/, makan suap: ~ officials, pegawai-pegawai yg menerima rasuah; a ~ administration, pentadbiran yg korup; ~ practices, amalan-amalan rasuah; 3. adulterated, tdk asli: Afrikaans is a ~ form of Dutch, bahasa Afrikaans adalah bahasa Belanda yg tdk asli; a ~ text, teks tdk asli; 4. rotten, busuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inspectorn 1. official appointed to carry out inspection, (pegawai) pemeriksa; (of school) nazir; (in the health service) merinyu: ticket ~, pemeriksa tiket; a factory ~, pegawai pemeriksa kilang; an ~ of schools, nazir sekolah; health ~, merinyu kesihatan. 2. police officer below the rank of superintendent and above a sergeant, inspektor.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
herpron 1. (poss. form of ‘she’) nya, dia; (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya: ~ children, anak-anaknya; ~ car, kereta dia; ~ life-style, cara hidupnya; the tigress and ~ cubs, harimau dgn anak-anaknya; 2. (as object of v or prep) nya, dia; (ref to animal or inanimate thing) nya: I told ~ the truth, saya memberitahunya perkara yg sebenar; they bought a present for ~, mereka membeli hadiah untuknya; 3. (respectful) a. (gen) beliau: we’ve discussed this matter with the ambassadress and ~ officials, kita telah berbincang dgn duta besar dan pegawai-pegawai beliau; b. (ref to sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, king’s consort) baginda; 4. (colloq) she, dia: it was ~ I saw last night, dialah yg saya nampak malam tadi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inquisitorn 1. (hist) pegawai pasitan; 2. (derog) penyoal siasat: she faced her ~s calmly, dia menghadapi penyoal siasatnya dgn tenang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forestern 1. officer in charge, pegawai kehutanan; 2. (worker) pekerja hutan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commandingadj 1. being in command, pemerintah: ~ officer, pegawai pemerintah; 2. having air of authority, memerintah: she has such a ~ voice, suaranya mempunyai nada memerintah; 3. overlooking, dr... dapat dilihat [sst], [sst] dapat dilihat dr...: the fort has a ~ view of the valley, dr kubu itu dapat dilihat pemandangan seluruh lembah tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dashingadj 1. vigorously active, spirited, sigap: a ~ young officer, seorang pegawai yg sigap; 2. stylish, smart (in dress and manners) segak, tampan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commandvt 1. order, memerintah: the officer ~ed his men to attack, pegawai itu memerintah orang-orangnya supaya menyerang; do as I ~ you, buat spt yg saya perintah; 2. have authority over, memegang kuasa dlm: he ~s a destroyer, dia memegang kuasa dlm kapal pembinasa; 3. have at o’s service, berkuasa /thdp, ke atas/: she ~s large sums of money, dia berkuasa thdp wang yg banyak; 4. deserve and get, mendapat: his plight ~ed our sympathy, keadaannya yg menyedihkan itu mendapat simpati kami; an actor who ~s the attention of his audience, pelakon yg mendapat perhatian penontonnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
becomingadj 1. befitting, proper (to), wajar: conduct ~ to an officer, kelakuan yg wajar bagi pegawai; 2. attractively suitable, sesuai, padan, cocok, kena benar: a ~ hair-style, potongan rambut yg sesuai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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