Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

form~ into, membuat, membentuk: the students ~ed into a line, pelajar-pelajar itu membuat satu barisan; ~ st into, mengatur sst menjadi: the regiment was ~ed into several columns, regimen itu diatur menjadi beberapa barisan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indoctrinatevt mengindoktrinasikan: to ~ the students with his own political ideas, mengindoktrinasikan pelajar-pelajar dgn idea politiknya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disregardvt tdk /mempedulikan, mengendahkan, menghiraukan/: the students chose to ~ the warning, pelajar-pelajar itu sengaja tdk mempedulikan amaran; she consistently ~ed the feelings of others, dia selalu tdk mempedulikan perasaan orang lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chidevt menegur: he ~d the students for their carelessness, dia menegur pelajar-pelajar itu krn kecuaian mereka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
initiatevt memulakan: he ~d the savings scheme for students, dia memulakan skim simpanan utk pelajar-pelajar; the plot was ~d by dissident army officers, komplot itu dimulakan oleh pegawai-pegawai tentera yg menentang kerajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foreignadj 1. not native, asing: ~ accent, telor asing; ~ students, pelajar-pelajar asing; 2. involving another country, luar negeri, asing: ~ trade, perdagangan luar negeri; ~ income, pendapatan asing; 3. dealing with other countries, luar negeri: ~ relations, hubungan luar negeri; Ministry of F~ Affairs , Kementerian Luar Negeri; ~ policy, dasar luar (negeri); 4. not natural (to so., st) asing: this grade of coal contains a lot of ~ matter, batu arang gred ini banyak mengandungi unsur asing; such a violent reaction was very ~ to him, reaksi yg begitu ganas sangat asing bagi dia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bashfulnessn sifat pemalu: her ~ inhibits her from mixing with the other students, sifat pemalunya menyekatnya drpd bergaul dgn pelajar-pelajar lain; to be overcome by ~, dikuasai (oleh) perasaan malu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
creditbe a ~ to /so., st/, bring ~ to /so., st/, menaikkan nama /sso, sst/: these students are a ~ to their school, pelajar-pelajar ini telah menaikkan nama sekolah mereka; do so. ~, be a cause for praise, respect, sangat membanggakan: our netball team does us ~, pasukan bola jaring kita sangat membanggakan; gain ~, semakin dipercayai: the rumour is gaining ~, khabar angin itu semakin dipercayai; give so. ~ for, a. see n (sense 3.); b. believe so. to be, sangka: he’s smarter than I gave him ~ for, dia lebih pandai drpd yg saya sangka; have to o’s ~, berjaya menghasilkan: she has ten books to her ~, dia telah berjaya menghasilkan sepuluh buah buku; lend ~ to, menguatkan kepercayaan orang thdp: this latest news lends ~ to the story, berita terbaru ini menguatkan kepercayaan orang thdp cerita tersebut; /be, stand/ to o’s ~, sso patut dipuji: it is to her ~ that she never shirked the issue, dia patut dipuji krn tdk pernah mengetepikan isu itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hystericaladj 1. in a state of violent and disturbed emotion, histeria: the students became ~ one by one, pelajar-pelajar itu diserang histeria seorang demi seorang; 2. uncontrollable, wild, spt diserang histeria: ~ laughter, ketawa spt diserang histeria; ~ fans, peminat-peminat yg spt diserang histeria; 3. made as a result of hysteria, approp v + dlm keadaan histeria: it was a ~ statement, itu satu kenyataan yg dibuat dlm keadaan histeria; 4. (colloq) extremely funny, betul-betul lucu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
influencevt mempengaruhi; (work of art, literary work, music, etc) mempengaruhi, menampakkan pengaruh: he ~d the other students to rebel, dia mempengaruhi pelajar-pelajar lain supaya memberontak; the moon ~s the tide, bulan mempengaruhi pasang surut air; his early works were greatly ~d by Kahlil Gibran, karya awalnya banyak menampakkan pengaruh Kahlil Gibran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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