float | n 1. st that floats or enables so., st to float, a. (attached to fishing-line or net) pelampung; b. (used in swimming) pelampung; c. (used to regulate the level of water etc in a cistern) apungan; d. (allowing aircraft to float on water) apungan; 2. low-wheeled platform used in a parade, kereta berhias: there were some beautifully designed ~s in the procession, terdapat kereta-kereta berhias yg direka indah dlm perarakan itu; 3. milk float, van susu; 4. (drink) flot: give me a strawberry ~, bagi saya flot strawberi; 5. sum of money to provide change, apungan: our bus conductors usually start work with a ~ of ten pounds in small change, konduktor bas kami selalunya mula bekerja dgn apungan duit tukar sebanyak sepuluh paun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
water-wings | n pelampung lengan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifebuoy | n /boya, pelampung/ keselamatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifebelt | n /boya, pelampung/ keselamatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifebuoy | n /boya, pelampung/ keselamatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifebelt | n /boya, pelampung/ keselamatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anchor | vt 1. moor, melabuhkan: they ~ed the boat near the buoy, mereka melabuhkan perahu itu dekat pelampung; 2. fix as with an anchor, approp v + dgn kukuhnya: he ~ed the ice-axe firmly into the snow, dia memacakkan kapak ais itu dgn kukuhnya ke dlm salji; steel pegs ~ed the tent to the ground, pasak keluli memancangkan khemah itu dgn kukuhnya ke tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
let 1 | b. release, membebaskan: he was ~ out of jail after three months, dia dibebaskan dr penjara selepas tiga bulan; c. (colloq) release from duty, obligation, terlepas: as John will be taking over the job, this ~s me out nicely, saya terlepas krn John akan mengambil alih tugas itu; ~ st out, a. allow st to leave, melepaskan sst: he ~ the horse out of the stable, dia melepaskan kuda itu dr kandang; b. allow st to flow out, melepaskan sst; (unintentionally) sst keluar: he ~ the air out of the children’s rubber rings, dia melepaskan udara dr pelampung kanak-kanak itu; all the hot water has been ~ out, semua air panas itu telah dilepaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
let 1 | b. release, membebaskan: he was ~ out of jail after three months, dia dibebaskan dr penjara selepas tiga bulan; c. (colloq) release from duty, obligation, terlepas: as John will be taking over the job, this ~s me out nicely, saya terlepas krn John akan mengambil alih tugas itu; ~ st out, a. allow st to leave, melepaskan sst: he ~ the horse out of the stable, dia melepaskan kuda itu dr kandang; b. allow st to flow out, melepaskan sst; (unintentionally) sst keluar: he ~ the air out of the children’s rubber rings, dia melepaskan udara dr pelampung kanak-kanak itu; all the hot water has been ~ out, semua air panas itu telah dilepaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |