fold1 | n 1. folded part or layer, lipatan: how many ~s can you make in this piece of paper?, berapa lipatan yg boleh kamu buat dgn kertas ini?; 2. line, hollow etc made by folding, lipatan; (of skin) pelipat: the letter was hidden in the ~s of her skirt, surat itu disembunyikan dlm lipatan skirtnya; /fall, hang, etc/ in ~s, beralun-alun: the dress fell in ~s to the floor, bajunya beralun-alun labuh hingga mencecah lantai; 3. hollow in hill, mountain, etc, lekuk: farmhouses hidden away in the ~s of the Pennine Hills, rumah-rumah petani yg tersorok dlm lekuk-lekuk Bukit Pennine; 4. (geol) lipatan: ~ system, sistem lipatan; ~ mountains, gunung lipat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |