Maklumat Kata

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pelopor (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan perintis, peneroka, pembuka jalan, pemula, pendahulu, penganjur, penggerak, pelancar, pengasas;,
Kata Terbitan : mempelopori,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

forerunnern 1. predecessor, a. (person) pelopor, perintis: the story-teller of old is the ~ of the modern novelist, penglipur lara masa lampau ialah pelopor novelis moden; b. (thing) perintis: the steam engine is the ~ of today’s fast locomotives, enjin wap ialah perintis lokomotif laju hari ini; 2. sign, symptom, alamat, tanda-tanda: the ~s of approaching spring, tanda-tanda musim bunga yg akan tiba.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apostlen 1. often A~, one of twelve messengers sent forth by Christ to preach the Gospel, hawari; 2. first prominent, successful, Christian missionary in a country, mubaligh Kristian yg pertama dan ulung; 3. leader of reform, new cause, pelopor, perintis, pengasas: an ~ of socialism,pelopor sosialisme; 4. ardent supporter,penyokong kuat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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