break | a bad ~, nasib yg /malang, buruk/; a lucky ~, a. good opportunity, peluang yg baik, kesempatan; b. good luck, nasib baik, tuah; get all the ~s, a. get all the opportunities, selalu mendapat peluang; b. get all the good luck, selalu bernasib baik; give so. a ~, a. not harass so., /membiarkan, tdk mendesak/ sso; b. give opportunity, memberi sso /kesempatan, peluang/, memberikan /peluang, kesempatan/ kpd sso; make a ~, (lari) meluru: three prisoners at the end of the line tried to make a ~ for the woods, tiga orang tahanan di hujung barisan mencuba meluru ke hutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | a ~ chance, (sl) mana ada peluang: a ~ chance I’ve got of getting the day off, mana ada peluang saya dapat cuti hari ini; a ~ lot, (sl) mana: a ~ lot you care, mana kamu peduli; a ~ lot you know about it, mana kau tahu ttg hal ini; a ~ lot of good, (sl) tak ada gunanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | a fair ~ of the whip, /peluang, kesempatan/ utk mencuba; at the ~ of dawn,/ waktu fajar menyingsing; ~ of doom, a. thunder-peal of day of judgement, tiupan sangkakala hari kiamat; b. end of the world, hari kiamat; give so. a ~ at st., memberi sso peluang untuk mencuba; have a ~ at, (fml) mencuba (+ approp v): he’s going to have a ~ at tennis, dia akan mencuba bermain tenis; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan /sso, sst/; open (door etc) just a ~, membuka (pintu dsb) sedikit sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heaven-sent | adj ditunggu-tunggu: a ~ opportunity, peluang yg ditunggu-tunggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fair1 | give so. a ~ hearing, memberi sso peluang membela dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cherry | have /another, a second/ bite at the ~, (colloq) dapat peluang utk mencuba sekali lagi; lose o’s ~, (sl) hilang dara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | have a ~, give her another chance, kesiankan dia, beri dia satu lagi peluang; have a ~ of gold, berhati emas; have o’s ~ in o’s boots, be terrified, berasa /takut, gementar, kecut/: I had my ~ in my boots when I went to see my boss, saya berasa takut apabila saya pergi menemui bos saya; have o’s ~ in o’s mouth, a. be full of anxiety, berasa bimbang: they had their ~s in their mouths as they waited for the news, mereka berasa bimbang semasa menunggu berita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bide | vt; ~ o’s time, /menanti, menunggu/ /masa, waktu/ sahaja, menunggu /kesempatan, peluang/ yg baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ball1 | have the ~ at o’s feet, (colloq) mempunyai /peluang, kesempatan/ utk berjaya; keep the ~ rolling, (colloq) meneruskan + approp n; /set, start/ the ~ rolling, (colloq) memulakan + approp n: the government itself set the ~ rolling when it raised civil servants’ salaries, kerajaan sendiri yg memulakan segalanya ketika menaikkan gaji pegawai awam; who wants to set the ~ rolling by asking the first question?, siapa yg ingin memulakan acara dgn mengajukan pertanyaan yg pertama?; the ~ is in so’s court, (colloq) giliran sso utk /bertindak, mengambil tindakan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incentive | n galakan, insentif: the prospect of promotion was an ~ to him to work hard, peluang kenaikan pangkat merupakan galakan baginya utk bekerja keras; economic ~s, galakan ekonomi; ~ bonus, bonus insentif; ~ scheme, skim galakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |