comprehension | n 1. understanding, ability to understand, pemahaman; /above, beyond/ so’s ~, di luar pemahaman sso; 2. (in language, teaching) kefahaman: ~ test, ujian kefahaman; 3. comprehensiveness, merangkumi: a word of wide ~, perkataan yg merangkumi bidang makna yg luas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assimilative | adj 1. characterized by, tending to absorption, a. asimilasi, pemesraan; b. (fig.) pemahaman: the ~ processes of intellect, proses pemahaman daya fikiran; 2. characterized by socio-cultural fusion,asimilasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | death he has been in the ~ of sadness, sejak kematian anak lelakinya, dia dicengkam kesedihan; 5. understanding, pemahaman: he seemed to have a good ~ of the subject, dia nampaknya mempunyai pemahaman yg baik ttg perkara itu; 6. ability to hold attention, mempesona: the speaker had a good ~ on his audience, penceramah itu betul-betul mempesona pendengarnya; 7. see HAIR-GRIP; 8. handle, pemegang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assimilation | n 1. act, process of, a. (absorbing nutriment into the system) asimilasi, pemesraan: the digestion and ~ of food, pencernaan dan asimilasi makanan; b. (absorbing and comprehending) pemahaman: education demands more than just the ~ of facts, pendidikan memerlukan lebih drpd pemahaman fakta; c. (becoming part of group) asimilasi: the use of the same language makes for easier ~, penggunaan bahasa yg sama menyebabkan asimilasi menjadi lebih mudah; 2. (phon) asimilasi: coalescent ~, asimilasi cantuman; incontinuous ~, asimilasi berantara; partial ~, asimilasi tak sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confine | n (often in pl) 1. lingkungan (batas): within the ~s of the farm, di dlm lingkungan batas kebun itu; 2. (fig.) batas: knowledge beyond the ~s of human understanding, pengetahuan di luar batas pemahaman manusia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | n 1. a. firm hold, pegangan (yg kuat); (with closed fist) genggaman, menggenggam: he tightened his ~ on my hand, dia mengejapkan pegangannya pd lengan saya; make sure you have a firm ~ of the racket, pastikan kamu menggenggam erat-erat gagang raket itu; b. tight grip (as if with nails or claws) cengkaman: she broke free from my ~, dia melepaskan diri drpd cengkaman saya; 2. control, mastery, cengkaman: the country fell into the ~ of a tyrant, negara itu jatuh ke dlm cengkaman pemerintah yg zalim; 3. comprehension, understanding, pemahaman: this subject is beyond my ~, perkara ini di luar pemahaman saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |