battle | n 1. military, naval engagement, combat, pertempuran: a fierce ~, pertempuran sengit; the B~ of Coral Sea, Pertempuran Laut Coral; 2. fight, physical struggle between two people, pertarungan, pergelutan; 3. struggle, contest, pertarungan; (for a cause) perjuangan: the football match turned into a ~ between the mid-fielders, perlawanan bola sepak itu menjadi pertarungan antara pemain-pemain barisan tengah; the on-going ~ for the control of the company, pertarungan yg masih berterusan utk menguasai syarikat itu; the ~ for freedom of the press, perjuangan utk kebebasan akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
default | vi 1. fail to pay, /gagal, mungkir, ingkar/ membayar hutang: the company may repossess the car if he ~s again, syarikat itu mungkin mengambil balik keretanya sekiranya dia gagal membayar hutangnya lagi; 2. (leg.) fail to appear in court, /tdk, gagal/ menghadirkan diri; 3. (in games), /tdk, gagal/ menghadirkan diri dlm perlawanan: on the last day of the contest the players ~ed, pd hari terakhir perlawanan itu pemain-pemain gagal menghadirkan diri dlm perlawanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowler | n 1. (in cricket) pembaling; 2. (in bowls) pemain bola golek; 3. (in bowling) pemain boling. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
international | n 1. (match, competition) permainan antarabangsa; 2. player who takes part in such a match, competition, pemain antarabangsa: a Brazilian ~, pemain antarabangsa Brazil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encore | vt meminta mengulangi + approp n, meminta + approp v + sekali lagi: the audience ~d the pianist, para penonton meminta pemain piano itu mengulangi permainannya or para penonton meminta pemain piano itu memainkan lagu itu sekali lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
droop | vi 1. incline, bend downwards, a. (gen) melentok, terlentok: his head ~ed in weariness, kepalanya terlentok krn keletihan; the feathers in his hat ~ed, bulu-bulu ayam di topinya terlentok; b. (of shoulders) turun, jatuh; c. (of eyes, eyelids) layu, kuyu, ruyup; d. (of mouth) menjebek; e. (of branch) melentur, meluyut; f. (of plant) melentur; g. (of flower) melentok, terlentok; 2. (of sun) ruyup; 3. languish, (kelihatan) layu; (of spirits) menjadi lemah: our spirits ~ed as we watched our players lose, semangat kami menjadi lemah apabila melihat pemain-pemain kami tewas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infielder | n pemain kawasan dekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harpist | n pemain hap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guitarist | n pemain gitar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
footballer | n pemain bola sepak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |