immersion heater | n pemanas rendam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heating element | n unsur pemanas(an). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heater | n (device), (alat) pemanas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | /be, get, become/ ~ under the collar, panas telinga: he gets ~ under the collar whenever they bring up the matter, panas telinganya setiap kali mereka menimbulkan perkara itu; give it to him ~, (colloq) ajar dia; have a ~ temper, pemanas; make /it, place, things/ (too) ~ for so., sengaja membuat sso susah; not too ~, (colloq) tak berapa + approp adj: the car’s expensive but actually it’s not too ~, kereta itu mahal tetapi sebenarnya tak berapa bagus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fire | 3. (instance of) destructive burning, kebakaran: the house was destroyed by ~, rumah itu musnah akibat kebakaran; forest ~, kebakaran hutan; most people died not in the earthquake but in the ensuing ~, kebanyakan orang mati bukan akibat gempa bumi tetapi dlm kebakaran yg terjadi kemudiannya; fire! fire!, (exclamatory), (warning that a building is burning) api !api!: I heard someone shout “~! ~!”, saya terdengar orang menjerit “api! api!”; 4. device for heating a room etc, (fixed) perapian; (portable) alat pemanas: the dining room felt cold, so I fetched the electric ~ from the sitting room and switched it on, terasa sejuk di bilik makan jadi saya mengambil alat pemanas elektrik dr bilik tamu dan menghidupkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
installation | n 1. act of, a. (fixing in position) pemasangan: the ~ of a telephone, pemasangan telefon; b. (placing in position of authority) pelantikan rasmi; 2. apparatus, equipment that has been installed, alat [n] terpasang: central heating ~s, alat pemanas pusat terpasang; 3. (military) pangkalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | 5. pant, tercungap-cungap: climbing up the stairs made me puff and ~, memanjat tangga membuat saya termengah-mengah dan tercungap-cungap; 6. make a whistling sound, berbunyi: the whistle blew when the match ended, wisel berbunyi apabila perlawanan itu berakhir; 7. (of whale) /menyemburkan, memancutkan/ air; 8. (of natural gas or oil) menyembur keluar; 9. (of fuse) terbakar: when the heater was switched on the fuse blew, apabila pemanas itu dipasang fiusnya terbakar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |