guide | n 1. so. who shows the way, esp so. hired to do so, pemandu: tourist ~, pemandu pelancong; we need native ~s for the expedition, kami memerlukan pemandu orang asli utk ekspedisi itu; Sherpa ~s, pemandu bangsa Sherpa; 2. adviser, pembimbing: she is both friend and ~, dia ialah kawan dan juga pembimbing; 3. st that helps one plan an action, form an opinion, etc, panduan, petunjuk: the data we’ve collected can only be used as a rough ~, data yg kami kumpul hanya dapat digunakan sbg panduan kasar; 4. guidebook, buku panduan: a ~ to Malaysia, buku panduan ke Malaysia; 5. handbook, buku panduan: a ~ to vegetable growing, buku panduan menanam sayur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careful | adj 1. cautious, heedful, hati-hati, cermat: a ~ driver, pemandu yg hati-hati; be ~, berhati-hati; 2. thorough, teliti: a ~ study, suatu kajian yg teliti; 3. frugal, cermat, jimat, hemat: he is ~ with his money, dia cermat dgn wangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apprehension | n 1. anxious anticipation, kebimbangan, kekhuatiran: the words of the guide only increased her ~, kata-kata pemandu itu hanya menambahkan lagi kebimbangannya; 2. arrest, penangkapan: the man responsible for the ~ of the bandits, orang yg bertanggungjawab atas penangkapan penyamun-penyamun itu; 3. understanding, tanggapan, memahami, menanggap, menangkap: such matters are beyond the ~ of children, perkara-perkara spt itu tdk dapat ditanggap oleh kanak-kanak; be slow of ~, lambat membuat tanggapan; 4. notion, conception, tanggapan, anggapan, pendapat: to doubt o’s own ~s, menyangsikan tanggapan sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
courier | n 1. special messenger, utusan khas; ~ service, perkhidmatan kiriman cepat; 2. tourist guide, pemandu pelancong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
companion 1 | n 1. one who associates or is always with another, teman: travelling ~s, teman seperjalanan; a close ~, teman rapat; ~s in misfortune, teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. one employed to keep another (usu elderly) company, teman; 3. st that is one of a pair, gu: the ~ to this volume is missing, gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. handbook, buku /panduan, pedoman/: the Motorists’ C~, Buku Panduan Pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cabin | n 1. hut, pondok: log ~, pondok kayu balak; 2. (of ship, aircraft) kabin; 3. driver’s compartment, ruang pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cab | n 1. taxi, teksi, kereta sewa; 2. (hist) hackney carriage, kereta kuda sewa; 3. driver’s compartment, ruang pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit and run | adj 1. connected with accident where the motorist drives away immediately, langgar lari: it was a case of ~, itu merupakan suatu kes langgar lari; a ~ driver, pemandu langgar lari; 2. (in baseball) pukul dan lari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gross | adj 1. total, whole, without deduction, kasar: the ~ weight, berat kasar; ~ income, pendapatan kasar; 2. (esp leg.) flagrant, glaring, melampau: ~ injustice, ketidakadilan yg melampau; the driver was charged with ~ negligence, pemandu itu didakwa krn kecuaian yg melampau; a ~ error, kesilapan yg melampau; 3. (of person) obese, terlampau gemuk, gemuk /gedempong, gedempol/; 4. vulgar, coarse, kasar: she found his ~ jokes repulsive, dia mendapati jenaka kasar lelaki itu menjijikkan; 5. unpleasant, offensive, hodoh: ~ statues of animals stand guard over the entrance, arca-arca binatang yg hodoh berdiri di pintu masuk seolah-olah menjadi pengawal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engineer | n 1. person skilled in design, construction and use of machines, bridges, etc, jurutera:a civil ~, jurutera awam; 2. person who has charge of an engine or engines, ( on a ship or aircraft ) jurutera; 3. (US) engine driver, pemandu kereta api; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |