day of reckoning | n hari pembalasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 12. such as explains, [not translated], mengapa: what was his excuse ~ being late?, apa alasannya dia datang lambat?; she gave no explanation ~ her behaviour, dia tdk memberikan sebarang penjelasan mengapa dia berkelakuan begitu; the motive ~ the withdrawal of the troops, motif pengunduran pasukan tentera itu; 13. because of, on account of, kerana, (oleh) sebab; (when foll by n indic emotion) kerana, sebab, [not translated]; (with negative implication) akibat, kerana, (oleh) sebab; (meaning “after”) selepas, setelah; (foll by phr containing the word “reason”) atas, kerana, (oleh) sebab: an area famous ~ its orchards, kawasan yg terkenal kerana dusunnya; they hid ~ fear of reprisals, mereka bersembunyi kerana takut akan pembalasan; she could not see ~ tears, dia tdk nampak kerana air mata menggenangi matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |