development | n 1. act, process of, a. (becoming larger, fuller, maturer, more advanced, etc) perkembangan; (of town, country, etc) pembangunan; (of business enterprise, school, small holding, etc) maju: physical ~, perkembangan jasmani; moral ~, perkembangan akhlak; an important stage in the country’s ~, peringkat penting dlm pembangunan negara itu; b. (causing to become larger, fuller, more advanced, etc) pembinaan; (of business enterprise etc) memajukan: exercises for the ~ of muscles, senaman utk pembinaan otot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
community | n 1. the public, masyarakat, komuniti: ~ development, pembangunan komuniti; ~ life, kehidupan masyarakat; in the interest of the ~, bagi kepentingan masyarakat; 2. (group of people) masyarakat, golongan: the Chinese ~ in Indonesia, masyarakat Cina di Indonesia; a village ~, masyarakat kampung; trading ~, golongan peniaga; a ~ of monks, golongan rahib; 3. group of countries working together and having common interests, komuniti: the European C~, Komuniti Eropah; 4. common ownership, pemilikan bersama: ~ of property, pemilikan bersama harta; 5. condition of sharing, (keadaan) bersama: there is no ~ of interest between the two groups, tdk ada kepentingan bersama antara dua kumpulan itu; ~ spirit, semangat muhibah; 6. (of plants, animal) komuniti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
development | c. (unfolding) perkembangan; d. (improving value of, as by building) pembangunan, pemajuan: many companies are engaged in land ~, beberapa banyak syarikat terlibat dlm pemajuan tanah; e. (photog) pencucian; 2. result of developing, hasil; 3. new fact, event, etc, which is the result of developing, perkembangan: there was a new ~ in the peace negotiations, ada perkembangan baru dlm rundingan damai itu; he could not keep up with ~s in the field, dia tdk dapat mengikuti perkembangan dlm lapangan itu; 4. area, land, that has been developed, kawasan: a new housing ~, kawasan perumahan baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dynamics | n 1. (branch of physics) ilmu dinamik; 2. forces that produce change, dinamik: the ~ of development, dinamik pembangunan; population ~, dinamik penduduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concentration | n 1. act of focussing, penumpuan: power of ~, daya penumpuan; the ~ of industrial development around the capital city, penumpuan pembangunan perindustrian di sekitar ibu negeri itu; 2. accumulation, tumpuan: the increasing ~ of power in the politburo, tumpuan kuasa yg semakin bertambah pd politburo; 3. focussing of mental activities, daya penumpuan: memorising o’s lines requires great ~, menghafaz skrip memerlukan daya penumpuan yg tinggi; 4. (tech) kepekatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epoch | n zaman:the splitting of the atom marked a new ~ in physics, pembelahan atom menandakan satu zaman baru dlm ilmu fizik; an ~ of rapid technological developments, zaman pembangunan teknologi yg pesat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | /get, come/ to ~s, berlawan, bergasak: the two enemies came to ~s, kedua-dua orang yg bermusuhan itu berlawan; /get, come/ to ~s with, a. tackle, fight with, melawan; b. deal seriously with, i. (a subject) mendalami: it was a lengthy paper about problems in rural development but the author didn’t really come to ~s with the subject, kertas kerja ttg masalah dlm pembangunan luar bandar itu panjang lebar tetapi penulisnya tdk benar-benar mendalami perkara tersebut; ii. (problems, inadequacies, etc) berdepan dgn: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enterprise | n 1. undertaking esp an adventurous or difficult one, usaha: his new ~ sounds even more risky than his last, usaha barunya nampaknya lebih berisiko drpd usahanya yg dahulu; 2. willingness to engage in such undertakings and to take risks, daya usaha: his father was a man of great ~, bapanya mempunyai daya usaha yg tinggi; 3. business firm, syarikat: this company today is one of the largest industrial ~s in Asia, hari ini, syarikat ini merupakan antara syarikat perindustrian yg terbesar di Asia; 4. business activity, perusahaan:private ~ is responsible for much of the country’s development, perusahaan swasta bertanggungjawap thdp kebanyakan pembangunan negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |