intrude | ~ /into, os into/ st, mengganggu sst: an angry ratepayer ~d (himself) into the council meeting, seorang pembayar cukai yg berang mengganggu mesyuarat majlis tempatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assess | vt 1. estimate, calculate value or amount of, menaksir: to ~ the deceased’s estate, menaksir harta si mati; after ~ing a taxpayer’s income for the year..., setelah menaksir pendapatan pembayar cukai bagi sst tahun...; to ~ damages, menaksir kerugian; to ~ a fine, menaksir denda; 2. impose tax, fine, etc on, mengenakan + approp n: each of them was ~ed M$100, setiap orang drpd mereka dikenakan denda sebanyak M$100; 3. (fig.) evaluate, menilai: to ~ the influence of Joyce on contemporary writers, menilai pengaruh Joyce thdp penulis-penulis masa kini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |