defender | n pembela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avenger | n pembela, penuntut bela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apologist | n apologis, pembela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | ~ counsel, counsel for the ~, peguam pembela; in ~ of, (utk) mempertahankan: to write in ~ of free enterprise, menulis utk mempertahankan perusahaan bebas; in o’s ~, semasa membela dirinya: he said in his ~ that..., semasa membela dirinya dia berkata bahawa....; to so’s ~, (utk) /membantu, menolong/ (sso); (when so. is accused of st) utk membela sso: when the man grabbed me, I yelled for help but no one came to my ~, apabila lelaki itu mencengkam saya, saya menjerit meminta tolong tetapi tdk ada sesiapa pun datang membantu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accuracy | n ketepatan: the defence disputed the ~ of the statement, pihak pembela mempertikaikan ketepatan kenyataan itu; the ~ of the translation, ketepatan terjemahan itu; with ~, dgn tepat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | ~ for, hadir bagi pihak, mewakili : to ~ for the defence, hadir bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evidence | the gun was part of the ~ used by the defence, senapang itu merupakan sebahagian drpd keterangan yg digunakan oleh pihak pembela; 3. sign, tanda: although he was annoyed, he showed no ~ of it, walaupun dia berasa gemas, dia tdk menunjukkan tanda-tandanya; there was clear ~ of struggle, terdapat tanda-tanda yg jelas pergelutan telah berlaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 4. ask question designed to extract desired answer, mengemukakan soalan pimpin: the defense counsel attempted to ~ the witness, peguam pembela itu mencuba mengemukakan soalan pimpin kpd saksi tersebut; 5. steer the course of (conversation), membawa; (tutorial etc) membimbing: she was very clever in ~ing the conversation to a point where she could enquire about her ex-husband, dia sangat pandai membawa perbualan itu supaya dia dapat menanyakan hal bekas suaminya; the tutor led the discussion group, tutor itu membimbing kumpulan perbincangan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counsel | n 1. (fml) advice, nasihat: he would not listen to his father’s ~, dia tdk mahu mendengar nasihat bapanya; 2. (tech) lawyer, a. (for the prosecution) peguam bagi pihak pendakwa; (ref to the deputy public prosecutor) penolong pendakwa raya: he had ~’s opinion on his case, dia mendapat nasihat penolong pendakwa raya ttg kesnya; b. (for the defence) peguam pembela, peguam bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | 5. (leg.) a. denial, pleading of an accused, pembelaan: his ~ was weak, pembelaannya lemah; b. the accused and his lawyers, pihak pembela; 6. (sport) a. act, method of defending o’s goal, playing area, etc, pertahanan; b. part of team that does this, barisan pertahanan: the team is weak in ~, pasukan itu lemah dr segi pertahanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |