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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata pembelian 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

purchasen 1. (fml) act of buying, pembelian, membeli: the ~ of a house is an important step for a young couple, membeli rumah adalah langkah yg penting bagi pasangan yg muda; unfortunately I have lost the receipt with the date of ~ on it, malangnya saya telah hilang resit yg mempunyai tarikh pembelian; 2. st bought, belian: she unwrapped her ~s and put them away, dia membuka bungkusan beliannya lalu menyimpan benda-benda itu; ~ price, harga belian; make a ~, membeli + approp n:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
considervt 1. think about, contemplate, menimbang, mempertimbangkan: you should ~ the matter carefully, kamu patut menimbang perkara ini dgn hati-hati; I’m ~ing buying a new car, saya sedang mempertimbangkan pembelian kereta baru; 2. regard as, reckon, menganggap: I ~ him unreliable, saya menganggap dia tdk boleh diharap; take any action you ~ necessary, ambillah sebarang tindakan yg kamu anggap perlu; ~ os, (used at the beginning of sentence), [not translated]: ~ yourself fired, kamu telah dipecat; 3. have regard for, menimbang, menenggang(kan); (person) memikirkan: she never ~ed her friend’s feelings, dia tdk pernah menenggang perasaan kawannya; you must ~ the other students, kamu harus memikirkan pelajar-pelajar lain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
functionn 1. activity proper to a person or thing, fungsi: one of the ~s of the committee is to vet the purchase of weaponry for the armed forces, salah satu fungsi jawatankuasa itu ialah meneliti pembelian senjata utk angkatan tentera; the ~ of the kidney is to filter waste products from the blood, fungsi buah pinggang ialah menapis kumuh dr darah; the machine has several ~s, mesin itu mempunyai beberapa fungsi; 2. formal social gathering, majlis: they were invited to a ~ at the presidential palace, mereka diundang ke majlis di istana presiden; 3. (math & computer technology) fungsi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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