fire | ~ at, menembaki: the rebels ~d at the approaching government troops, pemberontak-pemberontak itu menembaki tentera kerajaan yg sedang mara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiding | n concealment, bersembunyi; go into ~, bersembunyi: the rebels went into ~ in the jungle, pemberontak-pemberontak itu bersembunyi di dlm hutan; ~ - place, persembunyian, tempat bersembunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connive | vi conspire, bersubahat: they ~d with the rebels to overthrow the government, mereka bersubahat dgn pemberontak-pemberontak utk menggulingkan kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banish | vt 1. expel from a country, exile, buang negeri: the rebels were ~ed, pemberontak-pemberontak itu dibuang negeri; 2. send away, expel, mengusir, menghalau: the king ~ed the prince from the palace, raja mengusir putera itu dr istana; 3. dispel, dismiss, meluputkan, menghilangkan, melenyapkan: to ~ fear, meluputkan perasaan takut; to ~ st from o’s mind, meluputkan sst dr ingatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopelessness | n 1. despair, rasa putus asa; 2. desperateness, (keadaan yg) tdk ada harapan lagi: the rebels must have realised the ~ of their struggle, pemberontak-pemberontak mesti telah sedar bahawa perjuangan mereka tdk ada harapan lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disguise | vt 1. conceal identity of, (act.) menyamarkan; (pass.) menyamar: /i>the policewoman ~d herself as a prostitute, polis wanita itu menyamarkan dirinya sbg pelacur; the rebels were ~d as farmers, pemberontak-pemberontak itu menyamar sbg petani; 2. conceal, menyembunyikan: he was not able to ~ his sorrow, dia tdk dapat menyembunyikan kesedihannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
havoc | n 1. devastation, kemusnahan, kebinasaan: the ~ caused by the typhoon, kemusnahan akibat taufan itu; 2. confusion, huru-hara, kacau-bilau, keadaan /kucar-kacir, kelam-kabut/: the rebels wrought ~ in the province, pemberontak-pemberontak itu menimbulkan huru-hara di wilayah tersebut; the children created ~ in the house, budak-budak membuat kacau-bilau di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
control | /beyond, outside/ /o’s, so’s/ ~, di luar kuasa sso: the tragedy that occurred was beyond our ~, tragedi yg berlaku itu di luar kuasa kita; gain ~ of, dapat menguasai: the rebels had gained ~ of key positions in the area, pemberontak-pemberontak telah dapat menguasai tempat-tempat yg penting di kawasan itu; /get, be/ out of ~, tdk dapat dikawal: the situation is getting out of ~, keadaan itu tdk dapat dikawal; the horse is out of ~, kuda itu tdk dapat dikawal; get st under ~, mengawal sst; have ~ over, dapat mengawal: he has no ~ over his employees, dia tdk dapat mengawal pekerja-pekerjanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assume | 9. take on, [various translations]; (visible form) menjelma menjadi: our plans are at last assuming shape, rancangan kami akhirnya menjadi kenyataan; everything ~d a new significance, segala-galanya mendapat pengertian baru; his illness ~d a grave character, penyakitnya menjadi teruk; it was said that the witch could ~ the shape of a wolf, kata orang, ahli sihir itu dapat menjelma menjadi serigala; 10. usurp, appropriate, merampas, merebut: the rebels ~d control of the southern islands, pemberontak-pemberontak itu telah merampas kuasa di pulau-pulau selatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harden | vt 1. make hard, solidify, mengeraskan: to ~ steel, mengeraskan keluli; 2. make hardy, robust, menjadikan [n] tegap dan tahan lasak: the exercises are designed to ~ the body, senaman-senaman itu dicipta utk menjadikan badan tegap dan tahan lasak; 3. make firmer, menguatkan: he ~ed his grip on the railing, dia menguatkan pegangannya pd kisi-kisi itu; 4. cause to be tough, unfeeling, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] bersikap keras; (pass.) menjadi orang yg (bersikap) keras: he was ~ed by his wartime experiences, dia menjadi orang yg bersikap keras disebabkan pengalamannya semasa perang; ~ o’s heart, mengeraskan hati; 5. make resolute, (act.) meneguhkan; (pass.) menjadi teguh: the latest incident has ~ed public opinion against the rebels, peristiwa yg terakhir itu telah meneguhkan pendapat umum utk menentang pemberontak-pemberontak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |