killer | n 1. (person) pembunuh; 2. (animal), (haiwan) /pembunuh, yg membunuh/: the lion is a ~, singa ialah haiwan yg membunuh; 3. (disease) membawa maut: malaria was once a ~, pada suatu masa dahulu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
butcher | n 1. retailer of meat, penjual daging; 2. one who slaughters or dresses meat, penyembelih, pembantai; 3. wanton or brutal murderer, pembunuh yg kejam: the General was a ~, Jeneral itu pembunuh yg kejam; 4. one who ruins or bungles st, penjahanam, perosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hack 1 | vt 1. chop roughly or violently, menetak: the killer ~ed his victim’s body savagely, pembunuh itu menetak tubuh mangsanya dgn ganas; 2. also ~ out, clear, a. (way, path) merintis: to ~ a path through the forest, merintis jalan menembusi hutan itu; b. (farm) membuka: the settlers had to ~ out the farm from heavily-forested land, penduduk-penduduk terpaksa membuka ladang drpd kawasan yg diliputi hutan tebal; 3. (in sport) menendang, menyepak: he ~ed his opponent’s shin, dia menyepak tulang kering lawannya; 4. cut, reduce severely, memenggal: the editor had to ~ the reporter’s story due to space constraints, editor terpaksa memenggal cerita wartawan itu krn kesempitan ruang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desperate | adj 1. reckless, terdesak: a ~ killer, pembunuh yg terdesak; ~ attempts to free the captives, usaha-usaha yg terdesak utk membebaskan orang-orang tawanan; a ~ struggle for survival, perjuangan yg terdesak utk hidup; 2. undertaken as last resort, terakhir: ~ remedies for the industrial dispute, usaha terakhir utk menyelesaikan pertikaian industri itu; ~ measures, langkah-langkah terakhir; 3. suffering extreme anxiety, need, /betul-betul, benar-benar, sungguh-sungguh/ ingin: she is ~ to win, dia benar-benar ingin menang; ~ for st, /amat, sangat/ memerlukan sst: to be ~ for recognition, amat memerlukan penghargaan; 4. critical, beyond hope, genting: this ~ state of affairs is expected to continue, keadaan yg genting ini dijangka akan berterusan; his condition is ~, keadaannya genting; 5. showing, arising from despair, sangat, amat: the ~ look of hunger on his face, wajahnya yg menampakkan bahawa dia sangat lapar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hired | adj 1. (of car, bus, etc) sewa; 2. (of person) upahan: ~ killer, pembunuh upahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brutal | adj 1. viciously cruel, kejam: it was a ~ crime, itu jenayah yg kejam; a ~ murderer, pembunuh yg kejam; 2. harsh, severe, menyeksakan, teruk: a ~ winter, musim sejuk yg menyeksakan; 3. merciless, tanpa belas kasihan: ~ frankness, sifat terus terang tanpa belas kasihan; 4. undeniable but harsh, pahit: the ~ truth, kebenaran yg pahit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fratricide | n 1. act of killing o’s brother or sister, pembunuhan saudara; 2. person who kills his brother or sister, pembunuh saudara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |