holder | n 1. so. who occupies office, job, etc, penjawat, pemegang: the ~ of this important position has many responsibilities, penjawat jawatan penting ini mempunyai tanggungjawab yg banyak; job ~, penjawat kerja; 2. so. who possesses, a. (shares, degree, etc) pemegang: ticket ~s, pemegang tiket; lease~, pemegang pajak; a scholarship ~, pemegang biasiswa; b. (of world record etc) penyandang, pemegang; 3. device for holding st, pemegang: cigarette- ~, pemegang rokok; pen- ~, pemegang pen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bearer | n 1. carrier (gen) pembawa; 2. carrier of equipment etc (as in expedition) pembawa (barang), tukang /bawa, pikul/ (barang); 3. carrier of coffin, palanquin, stretcher, etc, pengusung; 4. presenter of cheque, letter, etc, pembawa: the ~ of this letter, pembawa surat ini; a cheque payable to ~, cek utk dibayar kpd pembawanya; 5. courier (of news) pembawa: the ~ of good news, pembawa berita baik; 6. holder of position, office, etc, pemegang: office ~, pemegang jawatan; 7. support under floor, gelegar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadhead | n 1. free ticket-holder, pemegang tiket percuma; 2. useless, unenterprising person, orang yg tdk berguna, hampas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
holdfast | n 1. (biol) pelekap; 2. (archit) pemegang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handgrip | n 1. grasp of the hand, genggaman: a firm ~, genggaman yg kuat; 2. (handle) pemegang; 3. hilt, hulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | vt 1. dispute, challenge, mempertikaikan: every clause in the bill was ~ed by the opposition, setiap fasal dlm rang undang-undang itu dipertikaikan oleh pihak pembangkang; the shareholders ~ed the accuracy of the report, para pemegang saham mempertikaikan ketepatan laporan itu; to ~ a will, mempertikaikan wasiat; 2. compete, a. (for st) bertanding utk merebut: to ~ a parliamentary seat, bertanding utk merebut kerusi parlimen; b. (in competition, election) bertanding dlm: ~ the race, bertanding dlm perlumbaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | n 1. long, thin piece of sawn timber, papan; 2. flat piece of wood etc used for specif purpose, papan: cutting ~, papan potong; diving ~, papan junam; ironing ~, papan seterika; 3. meals supplied at contract price etc, makanan: free ~, makanan percuma; ~ and lodging, makanan dan penginapan; 4. administrative group, any committee or council, lembaga: ~ of directors, lembaga pengarah; ~ of trustees, lembaga pemegang amanah; a selection ~, lembaga pemilih; a ~ meeting, mesyuarat lembaga; 5. notice-board, papan kenyataan; 6. blackboard, papan hitam; 7. stiff cardboard etc, for the outside covers of book, papan kertas; 8. (in indoor games) papan: draught ~, papan dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |