elective | adj 1. of, based on selection by vote, pemilihan: ~ procedure, prosedur pemilihan; 2. selected by vote, dipilih melalui pemilihan: ~ office, jawatan yg dipilih melalui pemilihan; 3. having the power to elect, pemilih: an ~ assembly, perhimpunan pemilih; 4. optional, pilihan, elektif: an ~ subject at the university, mata pelajaran pilihan di universiti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choice | n 1. act of choosing, pemilihan, memilih: the ~ of vice-president was left to the executive committee, pemilihan naib presiden diserahkan kpd jawatankuasa eksekutif; 2. thing, person chosen, pilihan: be careful in your ~ of partner, hati-hati dlm memilih teman; our first ~, pilihan pertama kami; 3. privilege, power to select, pilihan: he is my ~ for the position, dialah pilihan saya utk jawatan itu; 4. variety from which to select, pilihan: there was a wide ~ of materials on display, terdapat pilihan kain yg banyak yg dipamerkan; you have only two ~s, kamu hanya ada dua pilihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
casting | n 1. process of selecting actor(s), pemilihan pelakon: the ~ of a film, pemilihan pelakon utk sesebuah filem; ~ director, pengarah uji bakat; 2. st shaped in mould, acuan; (of metal) tuangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
election | n 1. act of choosing, pemilihan: his ~ to the chairmanship of the Board was generally well-received, pemilihannya sbg pengerusi Lembaga, pd umumnya, disambut baik; 2. (often in pl), (polit) pilihan raya: ~ results, keputusan pilihan raya; parliamentary ~s, pilihan raya parlimen; the next general ~, pilihan raya umum yg akan datang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diction | n 1. choice of vocabulary, diksi, pemilihan kata: poetic ~, diksi puitis; 2. manner of enunciation, /gaya, cara/ sebutan: to improve o’s ~, memperbaik gaya sebutan sso | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |