lampoon | vt ridicule, menyindir: the article ~ed leading political figures, artikel itu menyindir pemimpin-pemimpin politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
censure | vt mencela, mengecam: he was ~d by his party leaders, dia dicela oleh pemimpin-pemimpin partinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
closed-door | adj (fig.) tertutup: a ~ meeting of the party leaders, sidang tertutup pemimpin-pemimpin parti itu; the ~ policy towards foreign investment, dasar tertutup thdp pelaburan asing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | ~ against, membuat ribut menentang: the trade union leaders ~ed against the government’s decision to freeze wages, pemimpin-pemimpin kesatuan sekerja membuat ribut menentang keputusan kerajaan utk membekukan gaji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denigrate | vt belittle, merendahkan (+ approp n), memburuk-burukkan: history books were rewritten to ~ past leaders, buku-buku sejarah telah ditulis semula utk merendahkan kebolehan pemimpin-pemimpin yg lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferment | vt 1. menapaikan: to ~ grapes, menapaikan buah anggur; 2. (fig.) menyebabkan [n] bergolak: his speech has ~ed discord among the military leaders, ucapannya menyebabkan perselisihan bergolak di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 20. evoke, call forth, mendapat: his question drew a quick reply, soalannya mendapat jawapan yg cepat; the performance drew an applause from the audience, pertunjukan itu mendapat tepukan drpd para penonton; the move towards peace drew praise from world leaders, langkah ke arah perdamaian itu mendapat pujian drpd pemimpin-pemimpin dunia; 21. also ~ out, elicit, extract, mencungkil: to ~ the truth from the prisoner, mencungkil perkara yg sebenar drpd banduan itu; 22. bring about, mendatangkan: ~ing ruin upon oneself, mendatangkan kerugian thdp diri sendiri; 23. deduce, cause to come to, membuat: to ~ a conclusion, membuat kesimpulan; to ~ comparisons, membuat perbandingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
divide | vt 1. (math) membahagikan: to ~ 400 by 6, membahagikan 400 dgn 6; 2. also ~ up, separate, membahagikan: to ~ the class into two groups, membahagikan kelas itu kpd dua kumpulan; he ~s his time equally between work and relaxation, dia membahagikan masanya sama rata antara kerja dan istirahat; ~ and rule, pecah dan perintah; 3. also ~ up, share, membahagi-bahagikan: the cake was ~d among 6 people, kek itu dibahagi-bahagikan antara 6 orang; to ~ profits, membahagi-bahagikan keuntungan 4. cut off, memisahkan, mengasingkan: the stream ~s his farm from his neighbour’s, anak sungai itu memisahkan ladangnya drpd ladang jirannya; 5. cause to disagree, (act.) menyebabkan [n] tdk bersepakat; (pass.) tdk bersepakat: the party leaders were ~d over the issue, pemimpin-pemimpin parti tdk bersepakat ttg isu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choirmaster | n pemimpin koir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bandmaster | n /pemimpin, konduktor/ pancaragam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |