detention | n 1. act of detaining, penahanan: unlawful ~, penahanan yg tdk sah; the ~ of juvenile delinquents, penahanan delinkuen juvenil; 2. state of being detained, tahanan: to die in ~, mati dlm tahanan; 3. (attrib) tahanan: ~ camp, kem tahanan; ~ period, tempoh tahanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrest | n 1. act of taking into custody, penangkapan: an unlawful ~, penangkapan yg tdk sah; to effect an ~, melakukan penangkapan; 2. act of seizing (ship) legally, penahanan; 3. also arrestation, act of stopping, checking, a. (progress, spread, flow, etc) penyekatan, tersekatnya, terhentinya; (development) penyekatan, pembantutan, tersekatnya, terhentinya: a stroke causes a partial ~ of the vital processes, strok menyebabkan tersekatnya sebahagian drpd proses-proses penting; b. (growth) pembantutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |