accumulation | n 1. amassing, a. (of wealth, fortune, works of art, etc) pengumpulan, penghimpunan: the ~ of a representative collection of the artist’s work, pengumpulan contoh-contoh karya pelukis itu; b. (of knowledge, experience) penampungan, pengumpulan; c. (of debts) terhimpunnya; 2. collecting, gathering, pengumpulan: the ~ of examples of errors in the use of language, pengumpulan contoh-contoh penyalahgunaan bahasa; 3. growing into a heap or large amount, bertimbunnya: the steady ~ of silt at the river mouth, bertimbunnya kelodak secara berterusan di muara sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |