infusion | 4. incorporation, injection, penanaman; (of ideas etc) penerapan (of new blood), [not translated]: this continuous ~ of capital from overseas kept the industry going, penanaman modal yg berterusan dr luar negeri ini yg membolehkan industri tersebut terus beroperasi; the uncertainty was caused by the ~ of new and radical ideas, rasa bimbang ini disebabkan oleh penerapan gagasan-gagasan baru dan radikal; an old establishment such as this requires an ~ of new blood from time to time, pertubuhan lama spt ini memerlukan orang baru dr semasa ke semasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cultivation | n act of, a. (preparing land for crops) mengerjakan, mengusahakan; be under ~, sedang /dikerjakan, diusahakan/; bring land under ~, /mengerjakan, mengusahakan /tanah; b. (planting, raising) penanaman: rice ~, penanaman padi; c. (developing, improving by education, training or study) pemupukan, memupuk; (of mind) pembinaan; (of accent) pemerolehan: the ~ of a sense of good manners, pemupukan tingkah laku yg baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infusion | n 1. act of, a. (instilling) penanaman, penyemaian, menanam, menyemai; b. (filling so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai; c. (soaking) penyeduhan, perendaman, menyeduh, merendam; 2. liquid made by infusing, (air) seduhan: she was given an ~ of herbs to drink, dia diberi air seduhan herba utk diminum; 3. (med) infusi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climatic | adj iklim: ~ boundary, sempadan iklim; the ~ conditions here are favourable to fruit growing, keadaan iklim di sini sesuai utk penanaman buah-buahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | 4. lead, menuju, menghala: the footpath ~s you to a jungle clearing, lorong kecil itu menuju ke cerang di hutan; 5. introduce, memperkenalkan: the people responsible for ~ing the hydroponic method of cultivation to Malaysia, orang-orang yg bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan kaedah penanaman hidroponik di Malaysia; 6. cause to experience, happen, etc as a consequence, membawa; (shame) membawa, mendatangkan; (of effect of drug) memberikan: he brought honour to his family by his heroism, dia membawa kehormatan kpd keluarganya krn kewiraannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
applicability | n 1. relevance, appropriateness, dapat tidaknya dikaitkan: the ~ of this argument to the problem is doubtful, dapat tidaknya hujah ini dikaitkan dgn masalah itu disangsikan; 2. ability to be put into use, keterterapan: the ~ of the new method of vegetable growing, keterterapan kaedah baru penanaman sayur; 3. ability to be put into effect, keterterapan, dapat tidaknya diterapkan: the law and its ~ to foreigners, undang-undang dan keterterapannya pd orang-orang asing; 4. ability to be used in reference (to so., st) dapat digunakan: a term that has varied ~, istilah yg dapat digunakan dlm berbagai-bagai konteks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favourable | adj 1. good, promising, baik, menggalakkan: ~ prospects for economic growth, masa depan yg baik utk pertumbuhan ekonomi; ~ signs, tanda-tanda yg menggalakkan; 2. advantageous, menguntungkan: ~ terms, syarat-syarat yg menguntungkan; 3. giving consent, positif: a ~ answer, jawapan yg positif; 4. suitable, sesuai: the climate is ~ for the growing of rubber, iklimnya sesuai utk penanaman getah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |