adjournment | n 1. act of adjourning, penangguhan: the motion for the ~ was passed, usul utk penangguhan itu telah diluluskan; 2. period st is adjourned, tempoh penangguhan: during the one day ~, semasa penangguhan sehari itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deferment | n penangguhan, penundaan: the ~ of a decision, penangguhan keputusan; ask so. for a ~, meminta tangguh drpd sso: she asked his creditors for a ~ until the harvesting season, dia meminta tangguh drpd pemiutangnya sehingga musim menuai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delay | n 1. act, process of delaying, kelewatan, kelambatan: the ~ was caused by a snowstorm, kelewatan itu disebabkan oleh ribut salji; there has been a production ~, terdapat kelewatan pengeluaran; without /any, further/ ~, /tanpa, dgn tdk/ berlengah-lengah lagi; 2. waiting period, kelewatan: there will be a ~ of four hours, kelewatan akan berlaku selama empat jam; 3. instance, a. (>of being delayed) terlewat, tdk menepati jadual: the train arrived after several ~s, kereta api tiba setelah beberapa kali terlewat; b. (of delaying) penangguhan, ditangguhkan: there have been several ~s but it is hoped that work will start next week, setelah berlaku beberapa penangguhan, diharap kerja akan bermula minggu hadapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favour | do so. a ~, menolong sso; find ~ in the eyes of, find ~ with, disukai: even his best efforts could find no ~ in the eyes of the French teacher, usahanya yg paling baik pun tdk disukai oleh guru bahasa Perancis itu; in ~, disenangi, disukai, disayangi; in ~ of, a. in support of, menyokong: the committee was in ~ of a postponement, jawatankuasa menyokong penangguhan itu; b. in the name of, atas nama: the cheque should be drawn in ~ of the treasurer, cek hendaklah dikeluarkan atas nama bendahari; c. to give opportunity to, utk memberikan peluang kpd: he withdrew his nomination in ~ of his brother, dia menarik balik pencalonannya utk memberikan peluang kpd abangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |