filter-tip | n 1. device at end of cigarette, penapis rokok; 2. cigarette having this, rokok berpenapis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emasculate | vt 1. castrate, mengembiri; 2. deprive of vigour, melemahkan: the censors have ~d this film, pihak penapis telah melemahkan filem ini; 3. deprive of effectiveness, (act.) melumpuhkan; (pass.) lumpuh: the government’s plan has been ~d by a lack of funds, rancangan kerajaan itu telah lumpuh akibat kekurangan wang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oil | n 1. any of various smooth, viscous liquid, usu inflammable and used as fuel, lubricant, etc, minyak: cooking ~, minyak masak; olive ~, minyak zaitun; lubricating ~, minyak pelincir; the ~ industry, perindustrian minyak; ~ refinery, kilang penapis minyak; bath ~, minyak mandian; 2. petroleum, minyak: the price of ~ has stabilized, harga minyak telah menjadi stabil; 3. (in pl) a. oil paints, cat minyak: he paints in ~s, dia melukis dgn menggunakan cat minyak; b. oil paintings, catan minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filter | n 1. device for holding back solid particles, turas, penuras: oil ~, turas minyak; air ~, turas udara; coffee ~, penuras kopi; 2. device for suppressing light or sound waves, penyaring; 3. (of cigarette, cigar) penapis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrast | n 1. comparison, kontras, perbandingan: he used ~ to show the differences in style, dia menggunakan kontras utk menunjukkan perbezaan gaya; 2. difference, perbezaan: the ~ between them is remarkable, perbezaan antara mereka menarik sekali; 3. (fine art & photog) kontras: the ~ of light and shade is important in photography, kontras antara cahaya terang dan gelap penting dlm seni foto; colour ~, kontras warna; ~ filter, penapis kontras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |