breadwinner | n pencari nafkah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head-hunter | n 1. savage who collects heads, pemburu kepala, pengayau; 2. agency that recruits executives, pencari eksekutif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invade | 2. crowd into, a. (of people) datang beramai-ramai ke; (in great numbers) membanjiri: the first group of prospectors ~d the area as early as last April, kumpulan pencari emas yg pertama datang beramai-ramai ke kawasan itu pd bulan April dahulu lagi; the city was ~d by hordes of tourists, bandar itu dibanjiri beribu-ribu pelancong; b. (of insects, pests), /meremut, penuh/ di: ants had ~d the store, semut meremut di stor; c. (of doubt, worry, etc) dilanda: doubts ~d his mind, fikirannya dilanda rasa sangsi; 3. intrude upon, infringe, mengganggu: he claimed that his privacy had been ~d, dia mendakwa bahawa hak kebersendiriannya telah diganggu; to ~ the rights of the private citizen, mengganggu hak rakyat biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finder | n 1. one who finds, penjumpa, orang yg menjumpai + approp n: lost: Siamese cat, male, with leather collar. Reward for ~, hilang: kucing Siam, jantan, memakai kolar kulit. Hadiah utk penjumpa; ~s keepers, siapa jumpa dia punya; 2. (of telescope) pencari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |