approach | n 1. act of coming nearer, a. (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp pron or n: at our ~, the intruders fled, penceroboh-penceroboh itu lari apabila kami menghampiri mereka; the ~ of the whirlwind sent people scurrying for shelter, orang-orang lari bertempiaran mencari tempat perlindungan apabila puting beliung menghampiri pelabuhan itu; b. (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of death) hampir tiba, sudah dekat: the ~ of midnight, menjelang tengah malam; 2. approximation, semblance, hampir sama: the account makes some ~ to truth, cerita itu hampir sama dgn yg sebenarnya; a fair ~ to accuracy, hampir tepat; 3. access, jalan masuk: trees line the ~ to the palace, pokok-pokok berderet di sepanjang jalan masuk ke istana; ~ road, jalan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intruder | n trespasser, penceroboh: they kept a dog to keep out ~s, mereka membela anjing supaya penceroboh tdk masuk ke rumah mereka; ~ aircraft, kapal terbang penceroboh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggressor | n attacker, a. (of country) penceroboh: Syria accused Israel of being the ~, Syria menuduh Israel sbg penceroboh; b. (of person) penyerang, yg melakukan serangan: the prosecution has successfully established that the accused was the ~, pihak pendakwa telah berjaya membuktikan bahawa yg dituduh ialah penyerang dlm kes itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beware | vi (usu imper) awas: trespassers ~!, penceroboh, awas!; ~ of, awas, jaga-jaga, hati-hati: ~ of the dog, awas! anjing; ~ of pickpockets!, awas! penyeluk saku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | ~ so. up, /memukul(i), membelasah, menghentam/ sso: the crowd ~ up the intruder, orang ramai memukuli penceroboh itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | n 1. firm hold, grasp, a. (with hand) genggaman, pegangan yg /kuat, erat/: with the money safely in her ~, she ran home, dgn wang itu selamat dlm genggamannya, dia berlari balik ke rumah; he did not release his ~ on the intruder, dia tdk melepaskan pegangannya yg kuat pd penceroboh itu; b. (with or as if with claws) cengkaman: the eagle had its prey firmly in its ~, mangsa helang itu berada dlm cengkamannya yg kuat; these expensive tyres are supposed to give a good ~ on the road, tayar mahal ini dikatakan mempunyai cengkaman yg baik di jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alarm | n 1. fear, kecemasan, (perasaan) cemas: she stepped back in ~ at the sight of the snake, dia mengundur ke belakang dgn cemas apabila ternampak ular itu; 2. apprehension, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kekhuatiran; take ~, (menjadi) /bimbang, risau, khuatir/: she took ~ when her father failed to meet her, dia menjadi bimbang apabila bapanya tdk datang menemuinya; 3. sound, signal, etc warning of danger, /amaran, tanda/ bahaya: sentries were posted at the gate to give the ~ against intruders, pengawal-pengawal ditempatkan di pintu masuk utk memberikan amaran bahaya sekiranya penceroboh masuk: to sound the ~, membunyikan amaran bahaya; 4. device that gives warning, penggera: burglar ~, penggera pencuri; fire ~,5. alarm clock, jam /loceng, gerak/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |