aggression | n 1. initiation of war etc, unprovoked attack, serangan, pencerobohan, pelanggaran: foreign ~, serangan negara asing; accused of ~, dituduh melakukan pencerobohan; methods of countering ~, cara-cara menentang pencerobohan; 2. (psychol) hostile, destructive behaviour, sifat agresif, keagresifan, kelangsangan: the boy’s ~ displays itself in acts of vandalism, keagresifan budak lelaki itu ternyata dlm perbuatannya merosakkan barang-barang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggressive | adj 1. tending to attack others, agresif, cenderung /ke arah pencerobohan, bersengketa/: France was an ~ power under Napoleon, Perancis merupakan kuasa yg agresif di bawah pimpinan Napoleon; 2. offensive, agresif: ~ warfare, peperangan yg agresif; an ~ foreign policy, dasar luar negeri yg agresif; /take, assume/ the ~, menceroboh, menyerang, melanggar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggressiveness | n 1. (of nation) tendency to attack others, belligerency, kecenderungan melakukan /pencerobohan, serangan/; 2. quality of, tendency to being quarrelsome, a. (of person) sifat [sso yg] /agresif, suka bergaduh/; b. (of behaviour, nature, etc) suka bergaduh; 3. assertiveness, sifat agresif, ketegasan; 4. (psychol) kelangsangan, keagresifan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infringement | n 1. violation, pelanggaran, (perbuatan) melanggar; (of law, rule, etc), (perbuatan) /melanggar, menyalahi/, pelanggaran: an ~ of a patent, perbuatan melanggar paten; 2. encroachment, pencerobohan: she complained that the constant harassment by the press was an ~ of her privacy, dia mendakwa bahawa perbuatan pihak akhbar yg selalu mengganggunya itu satu pencerobohan thdp kehidupan peribadinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encroachment | n act, instance of encroaching, a. (on another’s territory) pemasukan [sso, sst] ke: the ~ of squatters on our land, pemasukan setinggan ke tanah kami; b. (on another’s rights, privileges) pencerobohan, mencerobohi: he complained about the ~ of his job on his leisure time, dia merungut ttg kerja yg mencerobohi masa lapangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrusion | n 1. act of, a. (entering unasked or forcing os, st upon so., st) gangguan; (into os’s private affairs) campur tangan: I regard this regulation as an unwarrantable ~ on the rights of the individual, saya menganggap peraturan ini sbg gangguan yg tdk dapat dipertahankan thdp hak individu; her well-meaning gesture was interpreted as an ~ into their private affairs, perbuatannya bermaksud baik tetapi ditafsirkan sbg campur tangan dlm urusan peribadi mereka; b. (trespassing) pencerobohan: this ~ into our territory must be stopped, pencerobohan ke kawasan kita ini mesti dihentikan; 2. st that intrudes, gangguan: there were so many ~s on his time that it was impossible for him to finish his work, terlalu banyak gangguan sehingga dia tdk dapat menyelesaikan kerjanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impingement | n 1. influence, pengaruh: the social changes caused by the ~ of western ideas on Asian life, perubahan sosial akibat pengaruh idea barat thdp kehidupan orang-orang Asia; 2. encroachment (on rights, property, etc of another) pencerobohan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |