dot matrix printer | n pencetak matriks bintik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layout | n susun atur; (publishing) reka letak: the whole ~ of the garden is attractive, susun atur keseluruhan taman itu menarik; the sub-editor sent the ~ of the leader to the printer, penolong editor menghantar reka letak halaman lidah pengarang kpd pencetak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compatible | adj 1. able to live or work together harmoniously, secocok, serasi, bersesuaian, /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: her parents were not really ~, ibu bapanya sebenarnya tdk secocok; 2. be able to exist, occur in harmony, bersesuaian, sesuai; (tech) serasi: the image that she has to present is not ~ with her personality, imej yg terpaksa ditampilkannya tdk sesuai dgn keperibadiannya; ~ blood groups, kumpulan darah yg serasi; the printer is not ~ with our computer, pencetak itu tdk serasi dgn komputer kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imprint | n 1. mark made, a. (by pressure) kesan, bekas: you could see the ~ of fingers on the woman’s neck, kita dapat melihat bekas jari pd leher wanita itu; b. (by printing, stamping) cap, lambang: the seal bore the ~ of a crown and a star, terdapat lambang mahkota dan bintang pd tera itu; 2. distinguishing or characteristic mark, [various translations]: the experience had left its ~ on our thinking, pengalaman itu meninggalkan kesan pd pemikiran ita; the work carries the ~ of genius, drpd karya itu kita tahu bahawa penulisnya ialah orang yg sangat bijak; the ~ of suffering on his face, tanda penderitaan pd mukanya; 3. (printing) imprin: printer’s ~, imprin pencetak; publisher’s ~, imprin penerbit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |